CNNSI ( reports that NCAA president Myles Brand passed away yesterday from pancreatic cancer.
I happened to be at Indiana working on my MA when Brand fired Bobby Knight which lead to one of the more surreal moments of my life as I had to explain to my precocious 18 month old daughter why people were burning things in the yard across the street from her daycare. Her daycare being located in easy sight and sound of Assembly Hall, it was also interesting trying to explain some of the more colorful language that was being used by the misguided and moronic protesters. Let's just say that explaining the concept of hanging and burning someone in effigy isn't easy to get across to a child.
On a different note, while that'll probably be what he's most remembered for, I remember a man who was genuinely interested in higher education and who cared about students. On the several occasions I had the opportunity to meet and talk with him, I always found him to be engaging, personable, ridiculously well informed, and always willing to listen to differing opinions, even when those opinions were coming from a lowly graduate assistant.
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit. -- Erasmus
All others things being equal, the simplest solution is usually stupidity. -- Darwin Minor
We have had NBA TV as part of our basic digital package since October. It's never been a special pay channel around here. Now, uf we could only get MLB Extra Innings free..sigh...