Wow, this movie was really good. I've never seen a Wolverine or X-Men movie, so I didn't know what to really expect going in but this was a great super hero movie. I almost cried at the end. I'm such a softy in my old age.
Should I go back and watch the rest of these? Do I have to watch the X-Men too?
Man, Logan was great. It's easily in my top five of superhero movies. As far as the other movies go...
Watch X-Men 1 & 2
skip X-Men 3 (however Wolverine is still pretty awesome in this one)
skip X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Play the video game though, it's excellent and will tell the same story in a better way
Read up on X-Men: First Class and Google search Wolverine's part (this one was good however if you are simply Wolverine-centric that's what you want to do).
Watch Wolverine, it's not as good as Logan but the story works
Watch X-Men Days of Future Past. It's not without failures but mostly good
Read up on X-Men Apocalypse and then Google search Wolverines part.
So that's it. However, I really think that you should go back and watch them all in proper continuity, go through the great, the WTF and the head scratching moments. Then re-watch Logan. Simply to solidify your feelings on what you just watched. The reality is that there are a lot of missteps with this franchise, in some cases, a jumbled mess description is fitting.
Read up on X-Men: First Class and then, at the very least, watch the YouTube video about Wolverine's part.
"If you're gonna tie my hands up, at least have the manners to stop saying stuff that's just begging for a facepalm." --Bandana, The Order of the Stick
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1) you can't let Wolverine die in Canada? He's almost there! Have him kill the last bad guys as the kids cross, then struggle over the border and die of his wounds. Or maybe have him die within sight of Canada and have Wolvie Jr. drag him over to the Canadian side for burial. How did nobody think of that?
2) there is too much unexplained world building to have this be a stand-alone movie. I'm not saying Wolvie comes back to life, but I don't think the 2029 version of the X-Men Universe is done yet. You can't introduce something like "why are there no more mutants being born" and not follow up on that sometime.
2) Was I the only guy waiting for Magneto to show up at the end as the leader of a Canadian mutant sanctuary? Maybe he's in the sequel.
I am so totally in the other camp. Admittedly, I was never a big fan of the X-Men anyway, but this just seemed to me to be a movie about Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman are tired of the X-Men thing but not too tired to get another payday.
I found it tedious.
(edited by AWArulz on 25.4.17 1751) We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift