The fun part comes in November when the quarter-cent sales tax gets voted on that can make or break this whole deal, and according to the early polls it's a crapshoot since it only has so-so support. But pending that, the Maloofs and the city have come to some sort of accord on the whole thing.
But as long as they don't word the referendum to where voting NO means "yes, build it" and YES means "no, don't build it"-- which actually happened in the Miami-Dade County referendum that resulted in the American Airlines Arena being built-- they should be able to drum up support for this.
(edited by JoshMann on 21.7.06 1604) "I don't know if it's Biscayne Boulevard or where it is, but there is an image in my mind about the symbolic championship parade."
You knew that with 'Nova playing so many games there was a chance of this happening... * * * * * * * * Hosts sever 30-game Invitational Streak LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) -- This time, Chaminade's upset just felt really good.