Hey, The Joe Schmo Show is coming back! That's pretty cool, actually!
PREVIOUSLY ON IMPACT WRESTLING! Austin Aries and Bobby Roode screw each other for the world title and their main event is rudely interrupted by Jeff Hardy. More junk involving the Hogans and Bully Ray. And the Aces & Eights rampage just...won't...end. Sting returns tonight! Impact Wrestling starts right now!
Opening pyro! We are LIVE from the Impact Zone! And we are back to the old theme music again, for some reason! We immediately shoot it off to JEREMY BORASH to name the 2012 Impact Wrestler of the Year, complete with trophy and everything! The Impact Zone Mutants light the place up with a "Hardy" chant, just to really give it away. For formality's sakes, Borash introduces BULLY RAY, "COWBOY" JAMES STORM, AUSTIN ARIES, "THE IT FACTOR OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING" BOBBY ROODE, and "THE CHARISMATIC ENIGMA" JEFF HARDY. Borash starts prepares to read the winner, as Roode and Aries both start coming down in mid-drum roll, arguing all along the way. HA! But of course the winner is Jeff.
Jeff enters the ring and delivers a speech about doing it all for the fans, blah blah blah. Roode takes umbrage to this, believing Jeff to be full of crap. Roode's tirade is stopped by Aries, who goes on his own tirade. Roode and Aries start arguing again and start fighting over the trophy. Jeff interrupts them and notes that a Triple Threat is on for Genesis! Jeff tells them to think of 2012 as the Year of the Enigma! Aries has his enigma right here, as he attacks Jeff from behind! The beatdown is on, though Aries and Roode are fighting over who gets to beat on Jeff! Aries tries for a trophy shot, but we get heel miscommunication! Aries eats a Twist of Fate! Jeff picks up his broken 99 Cent Store trophy. Hit Jeff's music!
Your hosts are Todd Keneley, Mike Tenay, and Taz! Tonight, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe faces the Aces. Also, Hulk Hogan RETURNS! HE'S BEEN GONE FOR ONE WEEK! That constitutes a "RETURNS" graphic now? Plus, Sting ALSO RETURNS!
James Storm RETURNS backstage, where Annoying Backstage Guy asks him how he feels about losing the rigged trophy vote. What a dope. Kaz and Daniels interrupt this foolishness with some OFFBEAT SHENANIGANS, as Kaz interviews Daniels doing a James Storm impression. HA! Storm thinks they should be comedians before proceeding to tell them that 2013 will be his year. "I'll kick you right in your Twitter. YOU, I will punch right in your Facebook. And right before I log both of you out, I'm gonna write on your wall 'Sorry About Your Damn Luck!' Now do you want to do that Instagram thing or you wanna get Direct Messaged out there?" And then Storm SPITS IN DANIELS' APPLETINI! That's just begging for a fight right there! Kaz's parting shot: "You forgot Myspace, you turd." HA!
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"COWBOY" JAMES STORM v. KAZARIAN (w/CHRISTOPHER DANIELS) Storm's already in the ring after the break. Bad Influence perform a fake out, as Daniels takes off the jacket, allowing Kaz to attack from behind. Tenay uses the term "swerve," showing that he hasn't gotten that word out of his system yet. The memory of Vince Russo lives on.
Both men exchange blows and Kaz tries to toss Storm, who skins the cat back in. Storm hits the THESZ PRESS, BY GAWD! Kaz gets dumped and Storm follows with a pescado before chasing Daniels around. That allows Kaz to waffle Storm again, however. Daniels is also able to get some cheap shots in. Let's hit the chinlock! Storm tries to fight back, but gets taken down by the hair. Kaz mocks Storm, so he eats Closing Time for his troubles. Storm hits a Russian legsweep and goes up top. Savage Elbow gets 2! Daniels runs distraction, allowing Kaz to get the advantage again. TKO gets 2! Kaz mouths off to Storm and eats Closing Time again! Storm wants the Last Call, but here's Daniels to run interference! Storm disposes of him with the enziguiri and dodges a charging Kaz. Kaz catches himself in the corner, but springboards right into the Last Call for the pin at about 5 minutes.
WINNER: James Storm - Just a small taste of what could be an awesome match between these two.
Later tonight, it's a steel cage match between Joe and Angle and the Aces!
Let's go to the Aces & Eights Happy Fun Time Clubhouse! The Aces are still trying to recruit Mr. Anderson. Anderson wants some more time with the Aces' bimbo brigade, but Doc wants to know if he's IN OR OUT! Because STING IS COMING BACK TONIGHT! You know, it doesn't say much about your stable if you're looking to KEN ANDERSON to save you. The Aces start exiting, as Devon asks for his bat.
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Backstage, Kenny King runs into Kid Kash. "I remember watching you back on VHS!" HA! King brings up a 4-person X Division tournament for a chance to face RVD, saying that Kash will take care of York while he takes care of Zema Ion next week.
Here's a video package on Sting and the Aces & Eights.
DOC comes out for...a promo? Really? Doc calls out Sting and wields the ball-PEEN hammer around. Suddenly, a baseball bat falls from the rafters. I thought Devon had his bat! Wasn't that a pivotal plot point or does Sting have hundreds of those things in his closet? Doc sees the bat and goes batshit crazy, yelling all the way to the break. Yes, folks, we've officially time warped back to 1997. It's Sting vs. a much more low-rent version of the nWo! Good lord!
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Annoying Backstage Guy hassles Brooke Hogan. Yup.
Next week, Kenny King faces Zema Ion, but next, it's Kid Kash facing Christian York.
KID KASH v. CHRISTIAN YORK: X DIVISION TOURNAMENT MATCH Kash gets half an entrance and I don't like his chances here.
Kash attacks York on the way in and takes him down with a clothesline. York comes back with a discus punch and dropkick. York teases a plancha and doesn't deliver for some reason. Kash chops on the outside and goes back in to deliver a slingshot 'rana! Kash tries to dump York, but York lands on the apron and hits an enziguiri! The double stomp misses, but York hits a big boot and half-nelson suplex! Kash reverses a suplex and works over York on the ropes. Springboard moonsault hits knees and York makes the babyface comeback. Flatliner gets 2! Kash reverses into a cradle for 2! Moneymaker is blocked. Kash tries for a backslide, but York slips out and finishes with the Mood Swing in a two-minute special.
WINNER: Christian York - York looked a bit sloppy here. Maybe an off-week.
Backstage, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez tell us that they aren't afraid of Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan.
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HERNANDEZ (w/CHAVO GUERRERO) v. "THE BLUEPRINT" MATT MORGAN (w/JOEY RYAN) Announcers note that the rematch between the champs and Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan is on for Genesis. Morgan comes out in street clothes and a sling and it's looking like we might not get this match. Morgan says he's been tossing 700-800 lbs around at the gym and accidents do happen. Morgan says he'll be ready for the PPV, but in the meantime, Joey Ryan will be happy to kick Hernandez's ass. Somebody apparently forgot to tell Joey Ryan this, because he doesn't look too happy about these proceedings.
So now we have...
HERNANDEZ (w/CHAVO GUERRERO) v. JOEY RYAN (w/"THE BLUEPRINT" MATT MORGAN) Ryan oils himself up and attacks Hernandez from behind, but this offense is short-lived, as Hernandez destroys him. Morgan grabs Hernandez's leg to provide distraction...and he does it with the bad arm. IT'S A FESTIVUS...wait, I made that joke last week. Ryan tries to take advantage, but eats the NFL tackle. So Morgan just says "fuck it" and attacks Hernandez with the discus clothesline for the DQ at about a minute in.
WINNER BY DQ: Hernandez - Well, at least it was quick.
Post-match, Chavo tries to get a piece of Ryan, so Morgan kills him dead with the Carbon Footprint. Tenay says that when Morgan looks into the camera, he's looking at Hulk Hogan, because EVERYTHING IN THIS COMPANY HAS TO REVOLVE AROUND HULK HOGAN!
Backstage, it's Hulk Hogan! ARRRRRGGHH!!!
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Backstage, Joe and Angle talk strategy for tonight's match.
Backstage, the Knockouts are STRETCHING! Those are some nice...camera angles.
Here's a video package on all the stupidity with the Hogans and Bully Ray.
So let's see how much derper we can go by hitting the "Not the nWo" porno music to bring out HULK HOGAN! Dig that pyro that 95% of the roster could only wish they have! Hogan apologizes for not showing up last week, but says he was shocked over Ray and Brooke making out in the parking lot. Hulk calls out BULLY RAY and BROOKE HOGAN for more fun. Hulk blathers on about Bully helping the new guys and doing what's good for this business and that there's a code in this business and there's a bro code, blah blah blah. What the fuck is he blathering about? Hulk continues rambling on about Ray breaking the code, whatever the fuck that means. Hulk says that Ray wants to get the lawyers and general managers involved, so he suspends Ray without pay. Hulk kicks Ray and Brooke out. Yeah, that was a segment, alright. This is JUST...SO...STUPID.
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Let's recap what happened five minutes ago, in case you missed any stupidity involving the Hogans.
Here's another segment on Joseph Park's training. Danny Davis concedes that he can't get rid of Park and that Park's been more dedicated than anybody. Park says he's ready to become a student of the game. Davis says Park has shown him the "It" factor. Davis shakes Park's hand and congratulates him on his progress.
GAIL KIM & TARA (w/JESSE) v. MICKIE JAMES & MISS TESSMACHER Gail goes right after Tessmacher, who hits a springboard clothesline and monkey flip. Tara hits a cheap shot to give the heels the advantage. Mickie makes the blind tag and hits a running knee off a snapmare. The faces clear the ring the heels start arguing. The faces run the heels into each other. Taryn Terrell gets caught up with Tess, allowing the heels to double-team Mickie to take us to our next ad break.
We come back with the heels double-teaming Mickie. A double-team corner splash misses and Mickie makes the hot tag. Tess makes the babyface comeback. U-G-L-Y corner facebuster hits, and I mean that in the loosest sense of the word. Tara ducks out, allowing Gail to attack from behind. Tara comes back in for a choke and the hair toss. Backbreaker gets 2. Gail tags in and hammers on Tess in the heel corner. Gutbuster gets 2. Gail's corner charge misses so hard that she falls out of the ring! Tess tries to make the tag, so Gail pulls Mickie off the apron! Nice! More double teaming from the heels, as Tara comes in with the slingshot somersault legdrop. Standing moonsault hits knees. Double KO spot leads to tags on both ends. Mickie makes the babyface comeback. Pier 4 breaks out, so Jesse bails Tara out. Tess wipes out both Tara and Jesse with a top-rope crossbody! Gail misses another corner charge and Mickie finishes with the MickieDT at about 12 minutes shown.
WINNERS: Miss Tessmacher and Mickie James - Very good stuff here. One of the better women's matches I've seen lately.
Back at the Aces & Eights Happy Fun Time Clubhouse, Doc says they need to work to keep their masks on. Bane concurs that they have to protect their masks with their lives.
The main event is next!
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Backstage, ODB says that the Aces are about to have bad things happen to them, because Sting is coming back. She also says that Eric Young's out of the hospital and she personally promises that she'll be by his side when he comes back. Wait...so Eric Young DID re-sign?
The steel cage is getting set up, so let's go back to earlier tonight and recap the opening segment.
That leads to us going backstage to Austin Aries and Bobby Roode pestering Hulk Hogan about the Triple Threat match for Genesis. Hulk says the match is signed and it'll be elimination rules. Hulk books Roode and Aries against Jeff and a partner of his choosing. Roode and Aries take umbrage to this, not wanting to team up, but Hulk kicks them out of his office anyway.
THE ACES & EIGHTS v. "THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE" SAMOA JOE & "THE OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST" KURT ANGLE: STEEL CAGE TORNADO TAG TEAM MATCH Your Spidey Sense should be tingling right about now, because since when do the Aces EVER come out first? And sure enough, Kurt gets jumped by DOC in mid-entrance, who pulls him out and locks the door, leaving Joe one-on-two against Devon and the masked guy!
Joe fights off both guys with rights and nails Devon with the avalanche/enziguiri combo. The other refs are desperately trying to get the door unlocked. Are you seriously telling me that none of these clowns have AN EXTRA KEY? What were they going to do when the match ended? More heel miscommunication from the Aces, as Joe continues to hold his own. Joe tries a running knee on the masked guy, but gets nailed with a running forearm from Devon. Here's some double teaming from the Aces. Joe tries to come back, but can't overcome the numbers, as we go to our final ad break of the night.
We come back with more plodding offense from the Aces, though Joe tries to keep things together with some nice suplexes. Doc tries to attack Kurt again, so Kurt kicks him in the nuts and takes the key. Kurt unlocks the door and Kurt's a house of fire! Kurt wants the mask, but Doc slams the cage door in his face! Joe gets attacked from behind and eats an assisted corner splash, as Angle does a manly bladejob. Sideslam from Random Masked Guy #1. Devon's top-rope headbutt misses and Joe takes out the masked guy. Devon eats Rolling Germans! Here's a German for the masked guy. Kurt and Joe take turns tossing Devon into the cage. Joe and Kurt tee off on the masked guy and Kurt finishes him with the Angle Slam at 13 minutes shown.
WINNERS: Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe - Turned decent once Kurt got in the match.
Post-match, Kurt tries for the mask, but Devon attacks him. Joe gets a piece of Devon and now Doc's in and here are the rest of the Aces. It's now 7-on-2, as we see MR. ANDERSON standing on the outside. But here's STING and for all the dramatic video return packages, he just simply walks down the aisle to no music, like it's no big deal. Yup. The Aces all attack him Black Ninja Style, earning them baseball bat shots for their troubles. Welcome to 1997! The Aces all leave the ring, including Doc, who makes sure to taunt Sting on his way out. The only one left is Random Masked Guy #1, who eats a bat shot. Kurt wants the mask and this time, he'll get it! And just like everybody guessed over 6 months ago, it's The Guy They Can't Call Mike Knox For Legal Reasons! SMELL THE RATINGS!!! Oh wait, Tenay just called him "Mike Knox from the WWE"! Can he do that? Well, he just did. Hit Sting's music! Closing credits are up and we're out!
Were we seriously just waiting for Sting to come back to start unmasking guys again? If that speeds up this angle, then I'm ok with it. Just be forewarned that there's going to be a whole lot of snark to go along with these underwhelming unmaskings, but hey, they brought it on themselves.
Man, that angle with the Hogans and Bully Ray just keep right on plodding, doesn't it? The worst thing is, I have a really bad feeling that they're purposely dragging this out for a Valentine's Day blowoff, meaning we're in for at least another month of this garbage.
Genesis is shaping up at a decent pace and while I'm in for the Triple Threat main event, there's little else enticing me. The X title looks to be another round of RVD/Kenny King and we've already seen that these two don't mix well together. You may as well pencil in Sting/Doc, which is going to make me want to bash MYSELF with a baseball bat. I guess the tag title match could be ok, but this PPV needs something else to spice it up. Save us, Bad Influence!
Take us home, Kaz!
Got kicked with Jim Storms illegal spur. Decision reversed. I win! #kazmania runnin wild!
My expectations were much higher for the start into 2013. Since November there was not much storyline development, and honestly I can't see any change after this episode. Especially not in the Aces & 8's story. Sting returned (the execution was embarrassing) and the club is nothing more than a bunch of losers. They lost the match, they lost the brawl, Knox lost his mask, DOC's promo wasn't good – there was nothing impressive about them and I don't know why anybody should be afraid of them when they are presented as bunch of losers week after week. And we still don't know why they want to destroy TNA and who could be the mastermind behind it. So all in all we have the same status quo we alredy had before DOC had beaten up Sting with the hammer. That is pretty lame storytelling.
The soap opera crap with Bully Ray and the Hogans is also getting worse week after week.
Hardy vs. Roode vs. Aries should be a good match, but I don't get why the face was so dominant the last couple of weeks. I hope Roode and Aries beat him up next week.
Bad Influence and James Storm were entertaining, but it's a shame Daniels and Kaz are nothing more but jobbers after their huge triumph over AJ Styles.
The knockout match was a highlight of the show. I don't have any idea what is planned for Genesis, but it was a good start into 2013 for this division.
The “Kenny King showcase“ tournament is another good idea. Sadly the first match wasn't that good because York moves a little bit too slow for the X-Division.
I don't care for the tag team match at Genesis, because both teams couldn't impress me over the last couple of weeks.
I'm really looking forward to the in-ring debut of Joseph Park after his training videos. Good work!
All in all I'm very disappointed with this start into 2013, my expectations were much higher.
Well, for the first episode of 2013, I'd say that TNA served up another hit-or-miss episode. It had a few moments, though.
The "Wrestler of the Year" opening was pretty good. Aries and Roode continue to out-heel each other, and I must admit, it's pretty entertaining. They're doing the heavy lifting on the mic so Hardy doesn't have to say much. The whole segment made it feel like the vote for the award was a work to lead into the segment that followed.Nonetheless, the triple threat title match at Genesis that was readily apparent weeks ago is finally confirmed here.
What followed was more gold from Kaz and Daniels: first, by mocking James Storm (Daniels' impression was hilarious), and then the match with Storm after that. It was a quick and painless match, and Storm got to exercise that foot with a Last Call. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.
Doc's promo left a lot to be desired. I understand why he went out there, since he was the one who took Sting out, but wow, that was not good. The backstage segment with Mr. Anderson and the gang was better.
I didn't watch much of the York/Kash match. As soon as I saw Kash get the jobber entrance and York get a full one, I knew who was winning. That's pretty much all I needed to see.
The brief Hernandez/Ryan match furthered the tag team feud going on amongst them. It did the job, and I liked it. I'm actually rooting for Morgan and Ryan to win the belts. Chavo's promo before this match was definitely a channel-changer.
I figured there would be an unmasking attempt as soon as Angle mentioned it in the backstage segment.
The Hogan/Brooke/Bully Ray segment was my winner for the evening in a wrestlcrap sense. The Joseph Park OVW segments get a thumbs up from me. They're not bad.
The Knockouts match, while appreciated by yours truly, was a bit too long. On top of that, it was a random pointless tag match. Who's getting the next shot at the title here? Where's the storyline? Mickie got the pin on Gail, but I don't see what good it does her. Hulk Hogan makes a match for next week--Aries and Roode vs. Hardy and a partner of his choosing. TAG TEAM MATCH, PLAYAS! Teddy Long just made some money.
The Main Event was Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. Aces & Eights has a lot of big dudes, but they lose quite often. I appreciate Kurt Angle bleeding, and the big brawl at the end was a familiar sight. Then Sting comes out and sends everyone running. 1 guy chases off like 6 or 7 guys, all by himself! Then they unmask Mike Knox, another familiar sight--with a shorter beard now. This counts as progression, so I'll take it. Thank you to Mike Tenay for pointing out who this guy is to everyone who didn't watch WWECW, which is basically everyone. Sting's return didn't feel special at all, probably because he hasn't been gone that long.
There was a mixed bag of material here--some stuff I liked, other stuff I didn't. I like the ladies, but I'd rather have a storyline going for them than a meaningless tag match. The backstage segments were winners, though. I'll give this week's Impact a C+. An incredibly average show for the most part, but at least the
Originally posted by It's FalseHey, The Joe Schmo Show is coming back! That's pretty cool, actually!
I would like to second this thought. I watched both of them when they first came out and was entertained by both (though one was better than two). I'm looking forward to the outrageousness of this one.
Originally posted by It's FalseOh wait, Tenay just called him "Mike Knox from the WWE"! Can he do that? Well, he just did.
Haven't really been paying attention. Why wouldn't he be able to?
Originally posted by It's False She also says that Eric Young's out of the hospital and she personally promises that she'll be by his side when he comes back. Wait...so Eric Young DID re-sign?
Yep. Credit to whoever pointed out this played out the same way last time.
Originally posted by It's False She also says that Eric Young's out of the hospital and she personally promises that she'll be by his side when he comes back. Wait...so Eric Young DID re-sign?
Yep. Credit to whoever pointed out this played out the same way last time.
Unless ... I would be very amused if someone else came in and tried to convince ODB that *he* was Eric Young and just had some plastic surgery done to hide from the bad guys.
I really enjoyed last weeks show and felt TNA took a step back this week with a mixed bag show that had a bad first hour and rebounded slightly in the second hour.
I thought the opening segment that had the announcement of TNA’s wrestler of the year was pretty strong. I thought Aries and Roode were great on the mic and I like the whole there is no honor among thieves rivalry Roode and Aries have going on and I figured they were gonna get the better of Hardy this week and destroy the trophy, but for the second week in a row Hardy got the better of the heels which doesn’t make a ton of sense. I thought it was interesting that the match was made into a elimination match as I figured Hardy would pin Roode to retain the title and we’d get Aries-Hardy at Lockdown. Now there might be some intrigue over the fact that Aries might win the title and defend it at Lockout. I highly doubt it, but you never know.
I thought the backstage segment with Bad Influence and Storm was okay, but I thought some of Storm’s comments seemed forced and overly cutesy. Hey at least Kaz got a good line in. I thought Kaz Vs Storm was solid, but short. I figure we’ll get Daniels Vs Storm at the next PPV as TNA teased the match on Impact only to go with Kaz as Storm’s opponent. I hate seeing Daniels and Kaz doing so much jobbing and boy is it weird to not see Styles around when weeks ago in his bitter promo he said he’s not going anywhere.
How bad was Doc’s promo? He really added nothing and his acting was sub-par as well. I would say feuding with Sting is his biggest feud of his career and he didn’t have a good night on the mic. He is already handcuffed being in the new job squad aka Aces and Eights and that didn’t help.
Matt Morgan is supposed to be this big bad ass yet he fakes an injury so not to face Hernandez who he wrestled a hundred times? I don’t wanna see that match, but come on. I really liked Joey Ryan in NWA Hollywood, but in TNA he comes off as so indy and cartoonish. He and Morgan also have no chemistry. Chavo and Hernandez really suck and IMO Hernandez should have been released years ago and Chavo never should have been hired. It is beyond time to pull the plug on both teams.
Man that King-York match was a real botch-fest which is surprising since they both have been around so long. They really didn’t get much time and what we saw was bad. It seemed to me like York was just looking to get his spots in and that’s not what you expect from a vet that’s been around so long.
The Hogan nonsense was unsurprisingly in the usual highest rated segment 9pm and it was as bad as you would expect with Hogan cutting a incoherent promo and suspending Bully over stupid shit. Poor Bully had the best year of his career and is now stuck in a awful angle with the Hogan’s.
Really liked the knockouts tag match as it got good time and Tessmacher has improved, but she really needs to cool it with the trashy moves if she wants to be taken seriously. I continue to feel that Gail is miscast as a heel and the only way to refresh Mickie is to turn her heel IMO.
Main event was better than expected with a good story with Angle taken out and Joe fighting for his life. As bad as a singles wrestler Devon is a awesome tag guy and TNA should just use him in a tag team with Knox or Doc instead of having him wrestle singles matches. Angle coming back was fine and getting some offense, but if TNA really wanted to give the Aces and Eights cred they would have had them beat a bloodied Angle and then do the Sting save, but instead they just jobbed them out again and then had them get destroyed by Sting. The whole post match thing was underwhelming though at least the mask removal added progression. The whole post match stuff gave me NWO flashbacks with Sting destroying the B team.
The announcing was better than usual because Taz was less of a dick to Kennelly and didn’t bully and crap on him for knowing the moves as much as he usually does. All in all, mixed bag show with Bad Influence, Aries and Roode carrying things while the Aces and Eights continue to be jobbers and the Hogan soap opera may never end.
D-Von Dudley, Luke Gallows and Mike Knox. (Am I keeping track? No sarcasm intended.)
These guys are worse than the nWo B-team of Brian Adams, Scott Norton and Vincent. This is the faction that once terrorized TNA? Are they gonna actually start unmasking people that will make people watch the show, or what?!
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." --Stone Cold Steve Austin
Certified RFMC Member-- Ask To See My Credentials!
Co-Winner of Time's Person of the Year Award, 2006
The NWO B team is a very good comp. I would say Gallows is more Big Bubba and Knox is Scott Norton. I think the people watching were expecting a progressesion to the Aces and Eights and Stings return and the got that, but I wonder if the unmasking of another non star like Knox and another job by the Aces might turn fans off and lead to them not coming back next week. I do think Sting's return popping a rating shows that if you use Sting sporadically and built up his appearances he can pop a rating at times.
The segments with Devon looking for his bat, Sting somehow obtaining the bat through unknown methods, and with Anderson not joining the fight in the ring make it look like we will be stuck with lame Tweener 2011 Immortal Anderson as opposed to the awesome 2010 Heel Anderson.
Regardless, the character that I was most interested in this week was Anderson, so that's a good sign for him. I just hope that Anderson is not Sting's mole.
TNA Impact on Thursday, January 3, 2013 scored a 1.14 rating, up significantly from the year-end average of a 1.00 rating.
It was the highest rating since August 23, 2012 and the second-highest rating in the new timeslot an hour earlier.
Impact averaged 1.62 million viewers, which was the most viewers since 1.72 million on Aug. 23 and also the second-most viewers in the new timeslot.
End of the NFL season means no Thursday night games to compete with.
They went against a Bowl game that drew 12 million viewers though. The two highest rated segments were the Hogan-Bully nonsense and the Main Event cage match where the Aces and Eights took on Angle and Joe.
So I just browsed the recap and didn't read it fully, but did I miss it or was there no Aces & Eights involvement at all? That just seems pretty odd to me. I know it's a "themed" PPV, but still.