I thought in general the show was good with plenty of wrestling and funny backstage stuff with the Jarretts and a good payoff to that. My thoughts: Doing the overtime period of a PPV main event iron man match and revealing who’s fired due to losing the loser leaves town PPV semi-main on the free show 4 days later is dumb. Good luck selling your next PPV in 4 weeks after that. The 6 minutes of action in the opener was good but boy was the booking dumb.
The 2nd tournament match was OK (the 1st wasn't bad) and the Joe/Magnus pairing has some potential and they even showed some chemistry. Hey at least it gets them on tv, but overall, I’m unimpressed with the tag tournament matches and most of the teams. I probably shouldn’t have expected much given the last two tag champs and most past TNA tournaments. Why is Rob Terry still getting booked in TV matches?
The Angle/Sting segment was good. I have no problem with seeing another Angle/Storm match.
I’m glad that for the 1st time since Destination X, an X match didn’t involve Aries, Kendrick, Kash or Sorensen. It’ll be hard getting fans to care about the X guys that the last 4 months have made look irrelevant any time soon, especially w/ them only getting 4-5 minutes a week. The match was OK yet short. Ion could do with getting better gear, dropping the lame Z handsign and working on his promos. When I saw they were doing Ion/Nese I got a little excited about them freshing up the division only to find out that at the PPV it’ll be business as usual except Ion/Nese will fill Kendrick’s spot. So disappointing. Why are Kash & Sorensen getting PPV title shots again? This’ll be Kash’s 3rd shot in as many months and he’s lost every one of his matches in that time.
It’s hard to take Gunner seriously as a killer when they build him up out of no where for a few weeks, treat him like a big goof (loses to Garett, Young or Garett again), cool him off a while and then repeat the pattern.
The Devon/Pope stuff still sucks. I wonder which will end first, the Devon/Pope/Devon’s kids storyline or 2012.
After all these years, Traci is still awful in every respect.
The main event was fine though it was a bit disappointing they didn't get more time. They should have cut the Jeff-Karen stuff down a bit. Hardy in the title picture makes me nervous. Roode’s been great. They better not derail him this soon.
I thought this was a very strong Impact. Besides for the Pope-Devon stuff there was nothing outright bad. The Jarrett segments were really funny and for the first tine in forever I found Karen Jarrett tolerable. That said, I’m glad she’ll be off of Tv for at least a while. I don’t get firing them both but I don’t have an issue with it.
I agree 100 percent over the stupidity of ending the PPV with a draw and then giving away overtime on Impact. It really screws the people that buy said PPV. I did like th Roode-Styles match including the finish as Roode has really gotten under the fans skin. I really liked the after the match interviews with styles and Roode it gave it a sports type feel and was UFC like.I’m not really sure where AJ goes from here. I am hoping not another feud with Daniels which has been done to death.
The Hernandez-Terry Vs Abyss-Steiner was better than expected but did have a ugly moment where Hernandez was choking Steiner with his shirt and Hebner had to act like he didn’t see it and was acting like a spaz going in the corner, looking the other way etc. Why Hernandez and Terry are still employed I’ll never know.
I liked the Zema Ion-Nese match but I do wish they would have done a better job introducing them to the audience and having them 3-4 minutes more. The crowd was into Zema and they had him playing a heel when there’s two other heels in the division and the bland Jesse Sorensen in the only face.Ion pulling Nese up after having him pinned a few times didn’t make Nese look to good.
I thought Jeff Hardy’s mic work was rather terrible but thankfully Bully Ray and out and saved the segment with strong mic work. I was glad that after being in comedic roles the past few weeks that he was back to playing a serious heel. He is one of the top heels in the business. The Pope-Devon stuff just shouldn’t be on TV. It is awful and never ending.
The Williams-Robbie E Vs Joe-Magnus match was short but good. I still wish Joe as teaming with Williams instead of Magnus.
Yeah still don’t care about Gunner and this whole thing is really to build up Garrett Bischoff, which sucks.
Surprised to see Madison go over Traci clean. Wasn’t a good mach.
Hardy Vs Ray was a good five minute match as they got a lot in there. Roode was very good on commentary an I liked him no selling Tenay’s question about the Jarrett’s being fired. The post match beat down on Hardy was fine. The beat down on Sting wasn't as Sting took a very ginger bump off of the belt shot and it didn’t look good. Sting vs Roode down the line isn’t an exciting prospect but if Sting puts him over strong it will do Bobby a world of good.
Originally posted by graves9 I liked the Zema Ion-Nese match but I do wish they would have done a better job introducing them to the audience and having them 3-4 minutes more. The crowd was into Zema and they had him playing a heel when there’s two other heels in the division and the bland Jesse Sorensen in the only face.Ion pulling Nese up after having him pinned a few times didn’t make Nese look to good.
Have seen Zima on indy shows and using him as a heel is the right move. I think they should turn Kash or Aries. The marks in o-town like Aries a lot. Mr. Nese came out of the match fine because he controlled the majority of the match so getting picked up didnt hurt him.
Originally posted by graves9 I liked the Zema Ion-Nese match but I do wish they would have done a better job introducing them to the audience and having them 3-4 minutes more. The crowd was into Zema and they had him playing a heel when there’s two other heels in the division and the bland Jesse Sorensen in the only face.Ion pulling Nese up after having him pinned a few times didn’t make Nese look to good.
Have seen Zima on indy shows and using him as a heel is the right move. I think they should turn Kash or Aries. The marks in o-town like Aries a lot. Mr. Nese came out of the match fine because he controlled the majority of the match so getting picked up didnt hurt him.
(edited by Brian on 16.12.11 1521)
(edited by Brian on 16.12.11 1524)
Eh. I wouldn't turn anyone strictly on the reaction of the fans in the Impactzone. I think Aries has plenty left to do as a heel, he just needs a strong face to play off of. Sorensen is bland and Kendrick is m.i.a. not that his character interests me in the least or is over. Speaking of guys missing in action where is Mr. Anderson? Not that I miss his annoying ass but he hasn't been on TV in nearly a month.
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