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The W - Pro Wrestling - Impact 12/09/10
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Since: 2.1.02
From: Stafford, VA

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.14
I only caught bits and pieces, tuned in just in time to watch a talking casket, Jeff Jarrett proclaiming to be an MMA fighter, and a rather good women's main event.

Anybody else watch Impact?

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Since: 5.9.08

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.62
No, I completely forget about it til late in the last hour, but I was too tired to care. Once football comes around, wrestling becomes a distant second. I did read the spoilers and the women's match seemed to be the only interesting thing. Turning Point proves to me they are just going to tread water with heels until they can get Anderson and Kurt ready to wrestle again. It sucks, because Joe and Pope should be getting a better push instead being stuck in their current position.

Since: 19.8.05
From: My Old Kentucky Home

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.62
    Originally posted by lotjx
    Point proves to me they are just going to tread water with heels until they can get Anderson and Kurt ready to wrestle again. It sucks, because Joe and Pope should be getting a better push instead being stuck in their current position.

All I ever seem to hear from interviews with Kurt is that he will be a part timer from this point on. I agree on Pope and Joe. Why not have these guys feud over the TV belt with AJ to elevate that title? I know a lot of people like Williams, but he has never really done much for me either way. Joe’s contract is supposedly up, so it might not even matter much longer. But I can’t see him making it in WWE, so I would expect him to stay with TNA.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
I had the show on in the background and it seemed to be a string of women cat fighting, Jeff Jarrett taking down a plant, and the Pope nonsense.

Matt Tracker

Since: 8.5.03
From: North Carolina

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.29
The last minutes of Mickie/Tara were brutal. It certainly looked like Tara was hurting, and the ending sequence had to adjust. Also seemed like Mickie couldn't grab the cage for a hurricarana off the top turnbuckle, and the replay montage showed that this move was tried and reversed earlier.

The finishing move -- a Thesz Press from off the cage top -- was daring and impressive, and bah Gawd, that should have ended the match. But Mickie limped away, and the collapsed Tara was surrounded by refs, and neither got a comment from Tenay or Tazz. They undersold the finish.

They held a non-title women's cage match as the main event, and the commentators failed to support it to end the show. The only excuse is that they were legitimately rattled when the match ending was changed on the fly.

(edited by Matt Tracker on 10.12.10 0816)

"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker

Since: 5.9.08

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.62
Tara was legit hurt and is going the next weeks with a bad arm and then rest for TNA's annual holiday vacation. I have to heard Tazz and Tenay's comments before I make a comment about the announcing. Yet, the show is taped and TNA refuses to use that to their advantage at times.
John Orquiola

Since: 28.2.02
From: Boston

#7 Posted on
Impact cold opened with Eric Bischoff yelling at Immortal in his office, then transitioned after the opening credits to an Immortal promo in the ring with Matt Morgan. Yeah, I checked out. I've got no interest in Immortal.

I fast forwarded the whole show and only watched the Knockouts stuff. I actually really like the angle of Sarita mocking Velvet for not being good enough to beat her, Velvet trying, still can't do it, and getting more and more frustrated. Velvet also met Winter.

I didn't like TNA's shitty explanation that Hamada had passport issues "out of her control", therefore she's been stripped of the TNA KO Tag belts. What about Taylor Wilde? Isn't she allowed to pick a new partner? No? Whatever.

Vince Russo has never understood the term, "going to the well once too often." Another pull-apart Mickie vs. Tara brawl; the well was over-visited at least two weeks ago. This brawl was after Tara doing the worst job this side of Ashlee Simpson lip-synching her theme song. Then during the pull apart, THEY KEPT PLAYING TARA'S HORRIBLE FUCKING SONG.

On the other hand, if all that fighting all over the Impact Zone every week lead to that cage match as a finale, it was sort of worth it. That match was stellar. On the same week that Lita and Trish Stratus main evented RAW with what I think is the best Divas match of all time, six years later, Mickie and Tara main evented Impact in a cage with the best women's match of 2010 from TNA or WWE. It's a shame Tara was hurt to achieve this end result, but it was a great match.


Since: 2.1.02
From: The Las Vegas of Canada

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.16
I watched Impact for the first time in many months to catch the Mickie/Tara match.

The one person I know IRL who loves TNA also loved the show Lost. And it makes sense to me now, because trying to jump in on this show would be like watching a random episode of Lost midway through the run and hoping it would make sense.

Nothing good ever comes of the word "injunction" being used on a wrestling show.

I will say, having seen the video of Jarrett tapping out children in a dojo, that I am getting quite a kick out of his MMA angle. He is playing such an awesome dick that you can't help but enjoy it.

2007 and 2008 W-League Fantasy Football champion!

Since: 7.3.02

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.95
    Originally posted by John Orquiola

    I didn't like TNA's shitty explanation that Hamada had passport issues "out of her control", therefore she's been stripped of the TNA KO Tag belts. What about Taylor Wilde? Isn't she allowed to pick a new partner? No? Whatever.

Now, now. It's not TNA's fault they "forgot" to deal with her passport issues for four months now. ;)

Personally, I'd be fine with just quietly dropping them rather then putting on a tournament. We haven't even heard a peep about anyone in the division wanting to go after the CHAMPION in like a month - in fact, save for appearing in a men's room to help Tara, has Madison even done anything as champ or had a challenger?

Aside from that, Impact was pretty blah. I had it on in the background but don't really remember anything about it besides Anderson calling concussions "owies" and that absurd Pope.... "thing".

Since: 19.8.05
From: My Old Kentucky Home

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.62
    Originally posted by John Orquiola
    Vince Russo has never understood the term, "going to the well once too often." Another pull-apart Mickie vs. Tara brawl; the well was over-visited at least two weeks ago. This brawl was after Tara doing the worst job this side of Ashlee Simpson lip-synching her theme song. Then during the pull apart, THEY KEPT PLAYING TARA'S HORRIBLE FUCKING SONG.

    On the other hand, if all that fighting all over the Impact Zone every week lead to that cage match as a finale, it was sort of worth it. That match was stellar. On the same week that Lita and Trish Stratus main evented RAW with what I think is the best Divas match of all time, six years later, Mickie and Tara main evented Impact in a cage with the best women's match of 2010 from TNA or WWE. It's a shame Tara was hurt to achieve this end result, but it was a great match.

I assumed it was an intentional horrible lip symnh job on her part. I also think it was intentional to let the music to continue to play while they brawled to "expose" Tara. Tenay and Taz even mentioned it. My complaint is that they tried to make a violent blood feud funny all of a sudden.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-- Mahatma Gandhi
Summer sausage

Since: 26.5.06

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.00
    Originally posted by kentish
      Originally posted by John Orquiola
      Vince Russo has never understood the term, "going to the well once too often." Another pull-apart Mickie vs. Tara brawl; the well was over-visited at least two weeks ago. This brawl was after Tara doing the worst job this side of Ashlee Simpson lip-synching her theme song. Then during the pull apart, THEY KEPT PLAYING TARA'S HORRIBLE FUCKING SONG.

      On the other hand, if all that fighting all over the Impact Zone every week lead to that cage match as a finale, it was sort of worth it. That match was stellar. On the same week that Lita and Trish Stratus main evented RAW with what I think is the best Divas match of all time, six years later, Mickie and Tara main evented Impact in a cage with the best women's match of 2010 from TNA or WWE. It's a shame Tara was hurt to achieve this end result, but it was a great match.

    I assumed it was an intentional horrible lip symnh job on her part. I also think it was intentional to let the music to continue to play while they brawled to "expose" Tara. Tenay and Taz even mentioned it. My complaint is that they tried to make a violent blood feud funny all of a sudden.

Vince Russo sure loves to beat us over the head with his plot points, doesn't he?
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