Thank you for the comedy of reading this. You said that turning Austin face was idiotic, bashed Taker, called Kane’s debut horrible (not having the brain to know that HBK couldn’t win clean and it was done to protect Taker).... you bashed the fans here for not respecting fake trash from Japan... all these great wrestling matches aren’t realistic Einstein. It’s a show not a real sport. Characters >>> fake unrealistic matches. I’m glad you stopped writing as this fake quasi intellectualism was pathetic.
I had to ask myself what year this was. This email was sent to "," though, so I can't say I'm totally sure what he'd read that he was reacting to, or indeed if it was even something I'D actually written as opposed to something else from r.s.p-w. I decided I didn't care enough to write him back to find out, but I HAD to post it here, right?
Thread ahead: NOBODY CARES BUT ME: Why is there a "B" imprinted on my Walgreens cough drops? Next thread: Happy 50th! Previous thread: MORE RADIO OF THE DAY