Just a reminder, if you are trying to avoid having this ending spoiled for you, you should avoid the internet for the next two months.
World Of Warcraft General chat, slashdot comments, message boards - anywhere that someone CAN post the ending and potentially ruin someone's day - they will.
If you post a spoiler here, please use the spoiler tags.
Yeah I saw that today and my first thought was damnit man if you've got the whole thing then throw it out there, but it doesn't appear the book itself has been leaked yet. Again, I'm buying it no matter what, just impatient. Not to mention he'd be tracked down in a matter of hours likely if he did post it all, but anyway.
As to his spoilers, eh doesn't make a difference to me if he's right or wrong so long as the book is enjoyable.
OK, so maybe that's part of it. I still wanted to come out early on this one and draw a line in the sand. PLEASE use spoiler tags if you post about this within the first week or so - people don't all read a book in one night.
For backstory purposes - I read Slashdot comments without a filter - I read the -1 troll posts. I used to try to moderate on there when I had mod points and I made a point of reading everything...
When the last book was about to come out, there were hundreds of "******** killed **********" posts (don't count the stars, I just did a random #, it wasn't what they put) which completely ruined the book for me, so I haven't even read it yet.
So, if you don't want spoilers, don't go read unrelated threads on Slashdot, Fark, Digg, ETC- stay away from user created content. People are assholes.
Originally posted by Guru ZimWhen the last book was about to come out, there were hundreds of "******** killed **********" posts
I read at -1 too, which was amusing. My favorites were the usual troll posts that would start with maybe two sentences about the topic before devolving into a lengthy gay porn story, and yet still, in the middle of this, they'd randomly throw in the spoiler. I guess if someone who was just skimming the thread could catch it, it was effective, but it seemed so silly.
I've never read a Harry Potter book, so I for one embrace the spoilers...
You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I just said...
The more interesting thing about this story isn't that it Harry Potter crap, but that the person claiming to have gotten the spoilers says he/she did it for religious reasons.
"Yes, we did it. We did it by following the precious words of the great Pope Benedict XVI when he still was Cardinal Josepth Ratzinger. He explained why Harry Potter bring the youngs of our earth to Neo Paganism faith.
So we make this spoiler to make reading of the upcoming book useless and boring."
This nutcase didn't (supposedly) do this for any other reason then he/she's a fucking nutbag!
Thread ahead: Book swapping network Next thread: New Avengers #31 ending: A sign of really bad things to come for Marvel? (spoilers) Previous thread: Summer Convention Season Begins
Dead - Snape, Lupin, Hagrid, Voldemort, Wormtail, Bellatrix (by Neville), Arthur Weasley dies at Bill/Fleur's wedding. Cho bites it. Face turn - Draco, by killing Nagini. Snape sacrifices himself helping Harry.