We already got to see the premiere episode up here in Canada, so hooray for nationalism!
"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone." --- Bart Giamatti, on baseball
Guys, I was dead in the ambulance for two minutes!
ETA: why do they keep showing stuff from the Kickball episode in promos? Surely they won't lead off with that?
(edited by Mike Zeidler on 23.10.12 1439) "Tattoos are the mullets of the aughts." - Mike Naimark
"Don't stop after beating the swords into ploughshares, don't stop! Go on beating and make musical instruments out of them. Whoever wants to make war again will have to turn them into ploughshares first" - Yehuda Amichai
What am I missing here? I watched about 10 minutes of this show, and I had to turn away. It was so boring. Typical sitcom stuff with mediocre acting and mediocre script. Granted, I didn't see the ambulance, so maybe Mike Zeidler was really great, but everything else was worthless. Does it get better later on? It wasn't funny or interesting- what am I missing?
I rewound that a half-dozen times. I am easily amused.
I thought it was decent overall and it's now set in the DVR.
"As you may have read in Robert Parker's Wine Newsletter, 'Donaghy Estates tastes like the urine of Satan, after a hefty portion of asparagus.'" Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock
Not their best outing, by any stretch. The whole Penny accident, with everyone laughing at her, was both too over-the-top and too out of character--these friends care about each other! I did like the reveal at the end that Penny had done the same thing to Max, but that was too little too late. The other storylines were better but not great.
I thought it was funny that I was watching "New Girl" on the DVR first and the last segment, Nick asked Schmidth who was his favorite rapper? Schmidth said it was Brian Austin Green. I play Happy Endings and Brian Austin Green is on the opening of this show.
Originally posted by Toast JrWhat am I missing here? I watched about 10 minutes of this show, and I had to turn away. It was so boring. Typical sitcom stuff with mediocre acting and mediocre script. Granted, I didn't see the ambulance, so maybe Mike Zeidler was really great, but everything else was worthless. Does it get better later on? It wasn't funny or interesting- what am I missing?
You should just go with it like the movie Just Go With It.
Originally posted by Toast JrWhat am I missing here? I watched about 10 minutes of this show, and I had to turn away. It was so boring. Typical sitcom stuff with mediocre acting and mediocre script. Granted, I didn't see the ambulance, so maybe Mike Zeidler was really great, but everything else was worthless. Does it get better later on? It wasn't funny or interesting- what am I missing?
If you are talking about having seen an early episode from the beginning of the show, yes, it completely changes after the first few episodes from Generic Failed Friends Clone #A43598 to a charming jokefest of hyper riffs and great line readings. This was accomplished by elevating some improv all-stars from wacky sidekicks to full ensemble, while its two deposed love interest leads stepped up their games to match them and revealed hidden talents for being goofballs. If you are talking about the episode from yesterday, then it may not be for you.
For a show whose greatest strength is its aforementioned hyper riffs and great line readings, I thought this script was pretty nifty, actually -- plot 1 was a clever inversion of the "husband hiding his lost job from his wife" trope; plot 2 was a weird story about "Miserying" your friend with an offhand mention of casual gay sex on network TV; plot 3 was a conventional story about people in denial that their casual relationship was serious with a twist ending where instead of just happily telling each other their real feelings, they stupidly take it a step too far.
I was surprised at how unusually risque it was though. I thought a quick shot of Cuthbert in her bra was salaciously shameless, and then Jane went full frontal pixellated. Plus that "coming so hard home from work" line is barely a 1.5 entendre. Maybe they're pushing the 'lope to differentiate themselves from their "bantering buds" counterparts on Fox.
I was ready to come into this thread with my cynical mind activated, and then I realized I had just started watching this show like two weeks ago. Cynical mind deactivated. Yes this show does get much better after the pilot. I can't believe Happy Endings and New Girl, both clones of Friends are actually winning me over huge (I hate Friends now). There are also some in-jokes from New Girl about Happy Endings, such as Nick telling Shmitt to be nice to Coach (played by Damon Wayans Jr. in the New Girl pilot) or he'd leave and move in with some other white people. I think the Brian Austin Greene was another shout out.
Originally posted by CruelAngel777There are also some in-jokes from New Girl about Happy Endings, such as Nick telling Schmidt to be nice to Coach (played by Damon Wayans Jr. in the New Girl pilot) or he'd leave and move in with some other white people.
Once both shows are in comfortable third season victory lap mode, they should do some network-spurning fan-servicing guest stints on each other. (Schmidt was on HapEnd once as an homosexual to boot.) I would like to see Jake Johnson turned loose in a banter/mug/shout/improv-off with the HE6.
I enjoyed tonight's ep (especially the amazing Jim-Pam dynamic -- Jim telling Kate "Let's break up." in response to Pam's *real* engagement and his subsequent drunken depression was awesome)