I've given up on trying to figure out how and when and which time that Google is crawling/has crawled this site, but it appears that there's finally been a data update and pages from the latest pass, taken during various dates in May and June (and as late as 20 June - and even one from today!) are showing up in search results.
In other news, I got yet another email from a guy who wrote me a letter three years ago and is now embarrassed that people can type his name in Google and the only thing that comes up is a letter he wrote me about pro wrestling. There's a lesson to be learned here....somewhere....I guess.
Incidentally, it appears that our PageRank is 4 out of 10. That sounds about right. ;-) Unfortunately, 411mania got....also 4. Hmmm. Also, slashwrestling.com clocks in at 4. Must be a stigma.