How can you broadcast the biggest event of the baseball season with seeming no backup feed? Fox has been up and down through several innings now.
on the other hand hearing someone besides Joe Buck is .... interesting
We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift
The fact that Buck and the gang just kicked out the international guys is amusing to me. I think someone needs to break the main announce table on Raw so Cole and JBL can kick out the Spanish Announcers and have them call the rest of the night with no table.
We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift
Koufax in his prime stretch was like Pedro Martinez in his prime stretch (1996-2001). Both were so good that you felt gypped whenever the other team got a hit.