I got Final Fantasy XII last night at midnight and played a little of it. The CGI cutscenes are the best I've seen in ANY game, bar none. The combat system is a little weird at first, but you get the hang of it easy. I can't wait to play more today.
BTW, for those of you who loved Final Fantasy IV (II in the states) need to pick this up. You'll go crazy when you find out who one of the summons are...
I read a review of this on Ars Technica, and the new combat system sounds a bit like what .Hack has used previously. Does that sound about right to anyone?
(edited by EddieBurkett on 2.11.06 1551) You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I just said...
DSiWare (Thursday) - Trollboarder (200 pts) - Antipole (500 pts) - Kung Fu Dragon (200 pts) 3DS eShop (Thursday) - Nintendo Video (free; an app for playing short 2D or 3D videos) - 3D Classics: Xevious ($5.99)