So my wife had never seen FFX before, and as this is one of my favorite games I decided to put it on and run through it again.
Now, I love this game, but I absolutely hate blitzball. It's the worst part of the game.
I have the Jecht shot and I actually was able to win the first match (Basically, I ran out the clock and didn't let them touch the ball so no one on either team leveled to 3 to get any powerups) but I'm not sure if I need to actually play blitz in order to progress.
I did look up Wakka's final weapon and I can't imagine winning 100 games to get it, so is there any other reason to play blitz?
I played BlitzBall a ton. It's long enough ago that I don't remember it perfectly, but I believe it's only use is to get power ups after the first game. You can skip and go thru the rest of the story.
Some of FFX's minigames seemed designed to create 200 hours of game play, 150 of which would be very boring repetitive stuff just to accomplish everything. I really like the Final Fantasy games, but you reach a point where you've spent so much time in the sidequests, you're tired of the game before you've actually finished it.
I sometimes look at stuff on GameFAQs and wonder who these people are who want to get every single item, kill every single monster and max out the characters and if they
Once you get some decent players and their stats start to shoot up, blitzball becomes very very easy. But it takes a while and if you screw up in the beginning you should probably just restart the whole thing from a saved game. There are some good guides on gamefaqs about how to do this, but some of it is still just dumb luck. I'm ashamed that I put in the time it took to learn all of this.
If they ever made a full fledged blitzball game where you could actually control the game and move in 3 dimensions, I think it'd be really cool. Especially with Wii controls.
Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her. Harry: That's a special feeling.
I quite disliked Blitzball, because it just wasn't fun. Now, if they made it as fun as the snowboarding minigame in Final Fantasy VII, or the card game in VIII...then I'd be happy.
I've seen EIGHT movies so far this year: Because I Said So - (2*); Borat - (5*); Children Of Men - (4*); Fantastic Four 2 - (4.5*); Knocked Up - (4*); The Last Mimsy - (4*); Shrek The Third - (3*); Spiderman 3 - (3.5*)
Wow... uhm... I totally got addicted to the Blitzball mini-game. Enough that I was disappointed it wasn't a full game on its own and I more or less had to stop once I got Wakka's weapon. My favourite part was running around scouting EVERYONE in the world. There's some girl on some bridge somewhere who turned out to be really awesome for my team... Sorry I don't remember more but its been a few years.
You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I just said...
Count me in as a Blitz fanatic, too. I got a great goalie-- Miyu, a girl in a Crusaders uniform just north of the Moonflow and before the path to Guadosalam. As I recall, Wedge was a good second forward for me, and Rin was a great midfielder.
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Wedge is a very good Right Forward and is capable of scoring easily if Tidus is drawing all the defense. If you want to win quickly though, grab Brother as soon as you can for your center. Brother becomes a one man team until your other guys can level up to an acceptable range.
And if the Al Bhed goalie ever becomes available, be sure to sign him.
It takes a few games of getting smacked around before you can start to win, but once you level up enough, it really does become fun.
I remember powering everyone up in FFX and then getting to the endgame and one-shotting everything with Wakka or Tidus. That kinda ruined it for me. The storyline bosses should increase with power as your characters do like in other games. I know the monster dude in the Calm Lands could give me harder bosses to fight, but I never got into that because of having to do all kinds tedious (even for FF games) item collecting and monster hunting.
Lloyd: When I met Mary, I got that old fashioned romantic feeling, where I'd do anything to bone her. Harry: That's a special feeling.
I loved FFX and found it to be one of the better RPGs of all time, but all of the mini games and side quests pretty much sucked. Blitzball was probably the most fun but I found the time invested =/= reward, so I quickly got bored and moved on to the fun parts, like the battle system.
Monster arena was the one good aspect of the side quests, I loved that stuff.
Originally posted by El NastioI just played through 100 times and won......and never looekd back after getting the ultimate weapon.
i got the weapons for ALL of the characters (well, a friend of mine and myself split time playing it....long story). Mostly for three reasons...
1) Break damage limit for the characters. 2) Break damage limit for the summons. 3) SOme cool other effects
Yeah, but most of that you could do with a lot less time and effort. Tidus & Yuna were relatively easy to unlock their full ultimate weapons, so all you had to do was pick one other character to work on (read: not Lulu or Wakka, since their unlocks are insane), and just make sure you half unlock everyone to get the summons limits broken.
I loved blitzball and love the Final Fanatasy mini games, especially the card game in FFVIII. I like that all the side quests make games seem like it takes 200 hours to beat. Games are way too short and way too easy these days. I'm tired of renting (or especially buying) a game and then being done with it in a week.
Also seeing that Nuklear Power comic, they're on #864?? Man, I'm way behind.