It's really hard to state the importance this player had on my childhood. Banks was my favorite player and more importantly, my Grandfather (or Gramps) favorite player. Gramps lived and died with him and in 69 when the Cubs ( and Ernie) slumped at the end of the season Gramps used to hurls insults at Earnie - but when he would do anything, he was with him.
I have a baseball-decorated bathroom downstairs. Ernie's picture is up in it, as is Ron Ranto. I expect the two of them are playing two and turning two in heaven.
(edited by AWArulz on 25.1.15 0640) We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift
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