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The W - Movies & TV - Ebert & Roeper's Best/Worst 10 of 2005
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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.14
I'm a little behind and totally forgot that these were out (and you can also tell I missed the actual TV as well) but seeing the Oscars/Razzies threads reminded me that I didn't put out the annual BESTS and WORSTS from these two yokels - I mean, fine judges of cinema.

More on BEST:
More on WORST:

10. Millions
9. Yes
8. King Kong (really?)
7. Nine Lives
6. Me and You and Everyone We Know
5. Brokeback Mountain
4. Junebug
3. Munich
2. Syriana
1. Crash

10. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
9. Walk the Line
8. A History of Violence
7. Brokeback Mountain
6. Capote
5. Nine Lives
4. Munich
3. Crash
2. The New World
1. Syriana

10. The Legend of Zorro
9. Bewitched
8. Guess Who?
7. The Man
6. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
5. Stealth
4. The Longest Yard
3. Monster-In-Law
2. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
1. The Dukes of Hazzard

10. Fantastic Four
9. Elektra
8. Undead
7. Constantine
6. Doom
5. Son of the Mask
4. D.E.B.S.
3. Dirty Love
2. The Dukes of Hazzard
1. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo

I've of these. Oh well

(edited by CRZ on 31.1.06 1027)

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Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.25
The worsts are all pretty accurate. The only 'best' choices I really disagree with are Munich (would've been a lot better if 30 minutes shorter) and King Kong, which was good but not great. Ebert's list has gotten less relevant since he basically admitted that after #1, a lot of his movies are pretty interchangable with the #11-25 picks.

"Oh, gosh, you know, I'm not much on speeches, but it's so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed, thank you, bye."
Matt Tracker

Since: 8.5.03
From: North Carolina

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.19
The Legend of Zorro was one of the most disappointing sequels I've ever seen. Not only did they go for SFX on the cheap, but they needlessly changed the heroine from a hot-blooded tomboy to a hearth-bound marm. They gutted that character for cheap conflict. Only Banderas's charm gives the film any interest.

"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker

Since: 16.10.02
From: Connecticut

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.95
I disagree on "Fantastic Four". While it didn't measure up to other recent superhero movies, I certainly wouldn't call it bad. I thought Chris Evans gave a fun performance and Jessica Alba gave a ...well, performance. Maybe a sequel would be better with more action and less origin/backstory stuff.

Since: 11.5.03
From: Mount Pleasant, Pa.

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.30
"The Longest Yard" as one of the worst ?

I totally disagree there.

"Oh it's on like Donkey Kong." - Stifler, American Wedding

Since: 28.1.02
From: Louisville, KY

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.34
    Originally posted by Kevintripod
    "The Longest Yard" as one of the worst ?

    I totally disagree there.

Guess I feel bad. Of all the movies on the best and worst list, I only saw two - Longest Yard and Fantastic Four. I saw a few other movies (Narnia, Star Wars, Batman, End of the Spear, and a couple I am sure I am forgetting. Certainly none of the chick-flick fare that is always being nominated for awards.

Longest Yard must have been terrible. I saw it twice (the second for free, but whatever). Batman - well, more than twice. (Does anyone know when it comes out?) And I also dug the FF. And Katie Holmes - worst Actress? Not if you saw the final scene in Batman. Yum.

(edited by AWArulz on 31.1.06 1503)

We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
Ukrainian Justice

Since: 8.4.03
From: Bryn Mawr, PA

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.28
    Originally posted by AWArulz
    Batman - well, more than twice. (Does anyone know when it comes out?)

Over three months ago.


Since: 28.1.02
From: Louisville, KY

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.34
Really? I missed that? Shows how much I care about the videos in general. I JUST found out the other day that they finally released the first three star wars movies on DVD.

Good - I needed to spend some money, maybe it's down off the $20 plus dollar initial offerings.


(I did know FF was out... - I saw that at Wallyworld - wonder why I didn't see Batman - maybe cause it's not as brightly colored)

We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
Alpha Dog
Pickled pork

Since: 10.2.03

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.61
    Originally posted by Kevintripod
    "The Longest Yard" as one of the worst ?

    I totally disagree there.

I can still hear Chris Berman's screaming from the climactic final game ringing in my ears.

I actually agree with most of their lists (although they need more love for Capote), as this was a pretty unspectacular year for movies for the most part; I consider Ebert's astounding review/destruction of Deuce Bigelow: European Gigolo ( to be one of my movie highlights of 2005.


Since: 26.1.02
From: Bradenton, Florida

#10 Posted on
Fantastic Four and Longest Yard on the worst list and not the horrible remake of "The Fog"?

Melon' Head

Since: 27.7.03
From: Toledo ohio

#11 Posted on
    Originally posted by LennyAaronRoxx
    the horrible remake of "The Fog

Just rented this over the weekend and it was horrible.The original kept me up at night as a kid.This one strengthend my resolve to not see anymore horror remakes.Gee when will they think of remaking any of the "Evil Deads".

Since: 30.1.03
From: Champaign, IL

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.99
They already are remaking The Evil Dead. (

Since: 21.11.02
From: Williston Park, NY

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.04
I must have missed it the first time around but I can not beleive Ebert listed Constantine as one of the worst movies of the year. Certainly, there had to be plenty of worse movies than this.

Well, that's just drunk talk! Sweet, beautiful drunk talk....
Lap cheong

Since: 2.1.02
From: Worcester MA

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.04
Interesting that Ebert has four comic-book movies on his worst list, and leaves out "Batman Begins" on his best list (they did give that one a good review, right?) ...

Mean Green Boston Celtics Message BoardUnofficial Boogeyman Fan Club MemberAre you ready for a web site so hot its gonna feel like somebody took a trayful of cookies and BAKED EM UP IN YOUR ASS


Since: 2.1.02
From: nWo Country

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.80
That Evil Dead story's died a death since it was first announced over a year ago. What with Raimi being busy with Spider-Man 3 I can't see it being made for the 2006 date listed on there, if at all.

And I can't understand Ebert naming Crash as best movie of the year. Well-acted, sure, but it was cynically manipulative of the audience's emotions and said nothing about racism other than "it exists". It's nowhere near the worst movie of 2005 like some have said, but it's incredibly shallow and weak compared to Munich, Syriana, Me And You, Brokeback Mountain, A History Of Violence and even Jarhead, which doesn't get a look-in on either list.

"That Squirrel Can Waterski!"

Matt Tracker

Since: 8.5.03
From: North Carolina

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.19
    Originally posted by Alessandro
    Interesting that Ebert has four comic-book movies on his worst list, and leaves out "Batman Begins" on his best list (they did give that one a good review, right?) ...

Ebert gave it four stars. Click Here (

"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker

Since: 17.11.02

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.97
    Originally posted by Allessandro
    Interesting that Ebert has four comic-book movies on his worst list, and leaves out "Batman Begins" on his best list.

I think Ebert has quit putting comic book films on his 'best of...' lists ever sense he gave that GLOWING review to RETURN OF THE SWAMP THING.

If there was ever a moment when you thought "Hey, do they ever get paid to give good reviews?", then that was it.

    Originally posted by oldschoolhero
    That Evil Dead story's died a death since it was first announced over a year ago. What with Raimi being busy with Spider-Man 3 I can't see it being made for the 2006 date listed on there, if at all.

Raimi's only producing the remake. It's still getting done, but it's pushed back due to the 'market glut' of remakes. Expect it around Fall 2007.

    Originally posted by Alpha Dog
    ...this was a pretty unspectacular year for movies for the most part...

I agree.

Since: 17.11.03
From: Tallahassee, FL

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.16
    Originally posted by Matt Tracker
      Originally posted by Alessandro
      Interesting that Ebert has four comic-book movies on his worst list, and leaves out "Batman Begins" on his best list (they did give that one a good review, right?) ...

    Ebert gave it four stars. Click Here (

Not to mention the fact that he gave it an honorable mention on his "Best Of" list a few weeks ago.

Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious
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90% funny because of Matt Damon. 10% because of Silverman. Reminded me a lot of " Scotty Doesn't Know ( " from "Eurotrip". I just didn't see it as original. However, the sketch was still funny.
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