Thought it was a really good episode. Seeing menacing Daleks was a nice change from the iDaleks/Skittles Daleks/Toyetic Daleks.
As an old school Whovian, I have a place of reverence for the Daleks, but they are far from my favorite monster, behind the Master (if he counts), Cybermen, Autons and Ice Warriors. It helps when they are written to their true origins (Nazi analogues) and not used as a generic villain.
I was partially right on the swerve involving Oswin, but I was expecting her to be the ship's computer. I also think she will be plunked from her timestream.
A friend that the Doctor will have to undo her mind-wipe of the Daleks and that will do a timey-wimey thing to bring her back.
I knew that Moffat touting the divorce so much meant it was just a macguffin. Moffat strikes me as too sentimental to break up the Ponds (also, kids show).
While not as good as the 11th Hour, I thought it was better than the Silence two parter. Granted, it wasn't as epic as those two which was a nice change of pace. I figured out the swerve, but it was a bit shocking to see it. I also think Amy' condition will get changed as well. At least Rory didn't die.
The Wee Baby Sheamus.Twitter: @realjoecarfley its a bit more toned down there. A bit.
Amy and Rory are supposed to be leaving together halfway through the season. Not sure where you got that spoiler from, but I can't see it happening given some of the casting information for future episodes.
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Just like the conclusion to every "hair match" ever. Sorry to see the beard go. I had watched some old NBC Conan clips recently and realized how much I liked him with the beard and how "weird" he looked to me without it.