--Something is going on with Claire Lynch. They are wrapping up the storyline, probably next week with the paternity test segment, and she may already be gone from the promotion. We're waiting for confirmation on exactly what the situation with the actress playing the role, Julia Reilly.
Thank God! What a dreadful storyline this was. Maybe now the World Tag Team Champions of the World can move on to better things.
I figured she wouldn't be around much longer, but the sooner this is wrapped up the better. This angle has been like watching a slow motion sneeze. It has been getting Daniels over (who's been adamant to win me over with his Scrubs Appletini references) and gave us that cool Daniels vs. Aj last man standing match.
Please end this angle next week TNA! It's one of the few things hurting my renewed interest in the product.
Originally posted by CruelAngel777I figured she wouldn't be around much longer, but the sooner this is wrapped up the better. This angle has been like watching a slow motion sneeze. It has been getting Daniels over (who's been adamant to win me over with his Scrubs Appletini references) and gave us that cool Daniels vs. Aj last man standing match.
Please end this angle next week TNA! It's one of the few things hurting my renewed interest in the product.
I'm weak on my dates, but this seems like a Russo leftover.
Originally posted by CruelAngel777I figured she wouldn't be around much longer, but the sooner this is wrapped up the better. This angle has been like watching a slow motion sneeze. It has been getting Daniels over (who's been adamant to win me over with his Scrubs Appletini references) and gave us that cool Daniels vs. Aj last man standing match.
Please end this angle next week TNA! It's one of the few things hurting my renewed interest in the product.
I'm weak on my dates, but this seems like a Russo leftover.
It is not Russo leftover. Russo left in February and this storyline started in late May early June.
The Walls of Jericho could just be that it's hard for Jericho to keep Kane at any kind of angle when he's in the move. Kane's a big guy weight-wise and height-wise, and if Jericho's winded I'd say that it's not Kane's fault.