Not too much this time around. Next month World War Hulk and Annihilation: Conquest start, though, so that should keep us all pretty busy.
Captain America #26: Considering the wait for this issue (which I know isn't Brubaker's fault), this was a bit of a let down. Not that it's not good; it just feels like a place-holder. Things are being set up, but nothing's happening yet. We find out that Falcon is playing both sides of the registration issue, plus he's looking after Bucky for Nick Fury. I'm glad Falcon is getting heavily involved in the post-Cap era, because he wasn't getting enough time before that as far as I was concerned. We also find out that the device which the Red Skull bargained off of Dr. Doom is some kind of time-traveling technology, in case you wondered how Cap was eventually going to come back. Oh, also, Bucky decides to kill Tony Stark.
Daredevil #97: Gladiator kicks Daredevil's ass. That's the gist of this issue. At the end of the issue, Matt's in a police car being taunted by the arc's mystery villain - probably the Hood, since Marvel's been mentioning he's going to be taking over the Kingpin's position.
The Illuminati #3: I think I must be buying this series just so it can piss me off. So I'm done with it. This issue, Bendis ignores the history of both the Beyonder and the Inhumans. Ignoring the fact that the nature of the Beyonder has already been established as a sentient cosmic cube (one of several that have obtained sentience), Bendis decides that he's a mutant Inhuman instead. Now this is just stupid. The entire Inhuman society is based on strict eugenics; a mutant specimen is absolutely impossible. There is at least one instance in the last year the Inhumans refusing to allow one of them (Quicksilver's daughter) access to the Terrigen mists because of an unstable genetic structure. Within the year! The issue's resolution is also totally contrived, and also stupid. In conclusion, this series is stupid, stupid, stupid (and late). If you're still buying it, you should stop.
X-Men #199: If you've read any other reviews, you'll see people complaining that this issue is confusing and that it's really hard to tell exactly what happens in it. This is totally the case. I think Cable gets back his telekinesis, but not his telepathy. Which doesn't make a lot of sense, as his technological replacement for his TK was a lot more functional than his replacement for his TP.
She-Hulk #18: I picked this one up on the promise that someone was finally going to tell Stark how it is. Based on that premise, the issue wasn't terribly satisfying. Sure, She-Hulk lays in the Dr. Doom comparison that we've all been floating around, but otherwise she really lets him off kind of light. She could have at least mentioned that everything Stark's done since Civil War has managed to hurt someone close to him, that would have had some bite. The rest of the issue was kind of hard for me to get into, although I guess if you've been following the series to this point you'd probably enjoy it.
Birds of Prey #106: BoP vs. the Secret Six, round two. Fun fight issue. If I've got one complaint, it's that the Six kind of get their asses handed to them here, when it really ought to be a lot more even.
BPRD Garden of Souls #3: I'm three issues into this thing now, and I think you'd really benefit from waiting for the trade here. There's a lot going on, and it can get kind of hard to follow. Also, it's moving kind of slow. Anyhow, Abe finds his place of origin in this issue, and some guys that used to know him.
Hellboy Darkness Calls #2: This is a lot smoother. Hellboy fights the ghost of a witch-finder, then the witches tell him they want him to be the new king of the witches. Despite the fact that this represents a serious career advancement for Hellboy, he turns them down. Then he runs smack into his old enemy, the Baba Yaga. Things are clicking along pretty nicely two issues in here, and I'm glad I picked this one to come back to Hellboy on.
Aha. I couldn't figure out off the top of my head what was missing on the store's shelf when I was there today. It was daredevil (the whole was next to countdown and some other book that started with D).
Since I get most of my stuff via email, my trips to the store are glorified skimming sessions and to maybe pick up something i didn't order.
I did get:
marvel adventures -- origin of giant girl, who to no one's real surprise was revealed to be Jan. Parker said on the website they were playing coy with it to start the book and now they felt safe and saying who she was. (I actually thought it was going to be Cassie Lang.)
2 Guns -- heist/noir book written by Steven Grant. If you're getting Criminal, you should get this too.
Feel free to dispute this, but with the multiverse back in the DCU, wouldn't it be interesting to see a group that traveled it, sorta like the Exiles in Marvel? I know it's a ripoff notion, but it'd keep the Secret Six up to something other than getting beat by the BoP.
Hold nothing sacred and you'll never be dissapointed. Especially not this statement.
Originally posted by LexusFeel free to dispute this, but with the multiverse back in the DCU, wouldn't it be interesting to see a group that traveled it, sorta like the Exiles in Marvel? I know it's a ripoff notion, but it'd keep the Secret Six up to something other than getting beat by the BoP.
I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the premise of the new Booster Gold book.
Originally posted by LexusFeel free to dispute this, but with the multiverse back in the DCU, wouldn't it be interesting to see a group that traveled it, sorta like the Exiles in Marvel? I know it's a ripoff notion, but it'd keep the Secret Six up to something other than getting beat by the BoP.
I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the premise of the new Booster Gold book.
Originally posted by Yeah8a8yI thought the new premise was time travel? Although Time & Space do go hand in hand I suppose... Depends on how Countdown and the Monitors turn out.
(edited by Yeah8a8y on 6.6.07 2220)
You haven't heard about FINAL CRISIS yet, I see. COUNTDOWN has to 'countdown' to something, right?
I must admit that, finally, after 7 weeks, 52 worked for me with Week 7, and it worked really well. The intro to Kate Kane and the Ralph/Booster exchanges were spot on. Plus, the Strange/Buddy/Starfire subplot has my attention.