It seems most Burger Kings and some other chains are going with the Coke Freestyle machines where you choose your drink from a touchscreen display. You get your choice of Coke and Dr. Pepper products, plus flavors like Vanilla, Cherry, Grape, Peach, etc. The problem is too many choices. What are some good ones to try.
I liked Grape Mello Yello. Did not like Orange Diet Coke.
We've had them in the Burger Kings here for a couple years. I like Diet Coke based, but they all seem to end up tasting kind of same, whether I try lime or raspberry or whatever. I usually end up just picking plain Diet Coke, but it has some aftertaste of other things, too, says the cranky old man.
Originally posted by MUTigermaskDiet Vanilla Barqs Root Beer
Fuck and Yes! I tried that and was so happy I did. The only drawback to those machines is with one spicket it can create a bottleneck at the restaurant but man variety truly is the spice of life!
Lisa: Poor predicatble Bart, always picks rock Bart: Good ole rock, nothing beats that
Cherry Fanta, then lime Fanta are my go-to Freestyle choices.
The Pizza Ranch locations in the area all have these. It's the first place I've seen them in a buffet setting. In that situation, I'll have different sodas throughout dinner.
When they first got them, I'd sit nearby to observe how patrons reacted to them. I learned two things...Old people hate technology, and kids simply can't get enough orange Hi-C.
The Wendy's and Popeye's near my office now have these machines as well.
The one place I wasn't happy to see one was in a Las Vegas 7-Eleven, because it replaced their entire fountain, meaning there were no longer Pepsi products available on tap.
We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift
I don't hate technology, and I love variety in soda, but after a few whirls I will usually go with plain Diet Coke as well. Too much stuff tasted like ass, not enough tasted good.
I do like the fact that there is seltzer in there, though. I can go a few rounds with soda and then switch to seltzer for the ride home.
Originally posted by PapadocVanilla Rootbeer was good.
I don't hate technology, and I love variety in soda, but after a few whirls I will usually go with plain Diet Coke as well. Too much stuff tasted like ass, not enough tasted good.
My one problem with it is that the flavor mixes do not go well with Diet Coke (my drink of choice) and are barely drinkable with the Coke Zero.
-- 2006 Time magazine Person of the Year -- -- July 2009 Ordained Reverend --
Originally posted by ZeruelMy one problem with it is that the flavor mixes do not go well with Diet Coke (my drink of choice) and are barely drinkable with the Coke Zero.
I was just at my local Burger King, and was going to try out the Vanilla Root Beer, but sadly my location didn't have Barq's at all. I had Cherry Dt Dr Pepper and some flavor of Mello Yello Zero.
"I'm pretty sure [Andre Caldwell]'ll do a lot more with Manning than he did with Andy Dalton." - StaggerLee
Probably doesn't belong here, but can anyone identify the statue at the 1:22ish mark of this video? It sounds like the person is saying "Blaydon", but I'm pretty sure that's not right ... Any help?