Bah. I'm as heterosexual as the next guy, but those pics are pretty boring. Besides, who the hell wears jewelry, arm-length gloves (if that's what they call 'em... sue me, I'm uncultured) and nothing else into a bathtub?
I know, I know, it's supposed to be a classy magazine. But the less clothing, the better, in my view. In Christy's case, though, I believe I'll make an exception-- even though I dig redheads most of all.
“You want to watch the karo-net match, she wants to listen to music, so you compromise. You listen to music. You like Earth jazz, she likes Klingon opera, so you compromise-- you listen to Klingon opera.” --Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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She looks downright ugly in that last one with the red dress and nips out. I don't even get what that one's supposed to mean. The photographer should be fired, he had plenty to work with and delivered nothin' special.
Hot Virgins-The World's Most Steadily Shrinking Commodity
There are only so many poses you can have one body contorted into, without beign graphic. So, to complain about recycling poses is a bit odd, wouldnt you say?
The problem with Playboy these days is that the pictures have been painted over so many times you the actual person after awhile. They really need to ease up on the damn airbrush.
Thanks for posting the links. She looks good, real good, but it is hard to tell how close this is to what she really looks like.
I never thought I'd say this after Torrie Wilson was in the mag twice, but I still think the original Sable shoot, or maybe the second Sable shoot, was the best they've done with WWE.
Eh...give me the old days where practically every picture in the spread was the woman on a bed wearing sexy lingerie, while being in varying stages of undress.
Ah...those were the days, before all this artsy crap. lol
"This just got a hell of a lot better." - Stifler, American Pie
Okay, what is this with her face? Her lips look incredibly fake (a lip job is maybe the most ridiculous thing a woman could do), and her face is downright ugly to look at. In my opinion the face is still the most important thing to look at, even at nudie pics, so this ain't working for me.
I'll just keep on with my issue with Torrie and the one with Torrie and Sable...
Christy just is bland...not even the thought of Lita being her "mentor" can drum up any excitement, well, other than the idea that I get to see Lita on TV.
She's got a cute smile, nice butt and is nekkid... You'll hear no complaints from me!
Well... Maybe the glaring lack of lesbian lovin', anal fisting or golden showers makes the whole shoot a bit ho-hum. But Hef's a prude anyway and won't cater to the raincoaters, so it's not unexpected.
I wish I could respect the law. I can't. The law is a whore who demands payment up front, and then attempts to evade providing the service paid for.
I'm going to quote someone from a radio show/web board. She's just like all the rest of the WWE, "vanilla whores", diva contestants.
DISCLAIMER: The views stated above are about the WWE and there current roster of non-wrestling or "eye candy" women. Not the general women population on this board or the generally nice women in the world. Thanks.
Fear Prophet.
J.J. Dillon: "I'd rather flip burgers at McDonald's than work for Vince McMahon again." July 3, 2004 New Era Of Wrestling
Originally posted by PhantomI just find it funny that the thread about Christy only has half as much activity as the thread about Gail Kim.
Probably because the Gail Kim pictures are actually kind of hot, whereas Christy's pictures make her look like the chick you see at the bar who tries way too hard.
I'm not sure if I'm correct, but I think they had Raw and Smackdown in MSG on back to back nights in the summer of 2001. I went to Smackdown and it was when Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak debut.