Well, it *does* make all the authors of "sure thing/done deal" stories after their WWE/FCW tryout(s) look like idiots, so there's that.
I like the Briscoes but really can't see them in the WWE - or I guess I should say I CAN see them, but only if they're saddled with a completely dumbass gimmick, and I don't want to see that.
That they've gone back to ROH (along with the Young Bucks ending up in TNA) is probably yet another indicator of WWE's interest in decent tag teams AND how seriously they take their tag team division at the moment. But this is kinda obvious.
I'm just making guesses and assumptions, but they probably edited Jesse out of the Warrior DVD just to avoid having to pay him for only one match. I don't think they have to make a deal with him, I'd imagine they already know what they have to pay him.