I gave it a chance. I really did. But from the character designs, to the premise, to the animation style, to the jokes, to the voice actors and their delivery, none of it worked for me. Not only did I not laugh; I didn't even smile at any of the jokes. I'm not sure who any of this is supposed to appeal to.
But maybe it clicked with some of you? I'd be curious to know what you liked about it.
I got a couple yuks out of it. I also enjoyed hearing/seeing the names of several old friends from programs past, so I'm probably giving it a lot of leeway, but following it with a really, really awful "Family Guy" couldn't help but make it look better. I'm happy to give it another chance.
Originally posted by CRZI got a couple yuks out of it. I also enjoyed hearing/seeing the names of several old friends from programs past, so I'm probably giving it a lot of leeway, but following it with a really, really awful "Family Guy" couldn't help but make it look better. I'm happy to give it another chance.
That's the thing- I almost always give shows 3 or 4 episodes before I give up on them; but with this one, it was so mind-numbingly awful and un-funny that I don't want to sit through it again.
It's as if the writers were saying "Okay; how can we do more gross-out humor than Family Guy?" and they decided to concentrate on that instead of stuff like having a plot.
So this is what Home Movies would be like on network TV. I was not looking forward to it, but I really enjoyed it after watching. I'm a sucker for the deadpan delivery.
The show didn't really work for me either. Some of the jokes were funny, but they just beat everything into the ground. I would laugh at something, but then when I did I missed three or more other jokes. I sound like a simpleton I guess, but I need time to recover after a laugh, and I thus felt bombarded with the dialogue.
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I didn't catch it on Sunday but I caught it on Hulu today and was impressed. I hadn't heard anything about it (I know, I know!) but I found myself chuckling throughout the entire episode.
I don't want to say I like it because, you know, Fox has broken my heart before with shows I like but I will continue to watch it anyway. ;)
I was pleasantly surprised by the cameo of Sam Seder, if only for the fact that I absolutely adore him.
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