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The W - Random - Battle of the Network Stars Returns!
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Mike Zeidler

Since: 27.6.02

#1 Posted on

Television and Olympic stars will battle for glory and charity in the all new “Battle of the Network Stars,” a two-hour special to be telecast Saturday, August 16 (9-11 pm) on NBC.

Battle of the Network Stars was taped at The Resort at Squaw Creek near Lake Tahoe, CA. Tony Potts serves as host, while Olympic Gold Medallists Picabo Street and Dan O’ Brien serve as captains of the two celebrity teams.

Picabo's team consists of Ali Landry, Dondre Whitfield, Rena Sofer, Neil Flynn and Justin Long .

Dan's team consists of Mario Lopez, Brooke Burns, Drake Hogestyn , Ross “The Intern” Matthews and Amelia Marshall.

Show highlights include water duels on Sea-Doos and Dunk Boats, contestants soaring over a cliff at an altitude of almost 10,000 ft. above sea level in the Big Swing” and a game of Mountain Bowling.

The celebrities all played for charity, and the groups benefiting include: Boys & Girls Club of America; Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation of America; The March of Dimes; The Special Olympics; The National Wildlife Federation; The American Cancer Society; and The American Heart Association.
Promote this thread!

Since: 2.1.02
From: Michigan

#2 Posted on
Am I really that unhip... I've only heard of the Stealing Spy TV From MIB Ho and Slater out of that bunch. It's not really the same without the "stars" and all. Just sounds like Celebrity Fear Factor without eating pig nuts.

That Satan's a good guy. He shares his Skittles.


Since: 3.1.02
From: Philly

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
Me too. I know Picabo Street and Dan O'Brien, thought that I'd heard of Ali Landry (then found that I'd confused her with Ali Larter, who was at least in Jay & Silent Bob), and have no idea who any of the rest of them are.

This is "Battle of the People Who Didn't Get Called Back For That All-Celebrity Reality-TV Big Brother Knockoff."

"I'm a little dyslexic......earlier, I freed my ass, and I'm hoping that my mind will follow." -- Moon Zappa

Since: 28.4.02
From: Pittsburgh, PA

#4 Posted on
Well, Mario Lopez was Slater on "Saved By The Bell", and I know I've heard of Ali Landry before, but I'm drawing a blank of the rest of them.

"So, we've got Uday and Qusay. Now, how about the eapons-way of ass-may estruction-day?"
---The Onion, What Do You Think?, 7.30.03

Since: 24.7.02

#5 Posted on
This is a really sad knock-off of the legendary Battle of the Network Stars of the 70's, I mean, where is this generation's McClain Stevenson when you really need him, battling for Network Honor.

(edited by redsoxnation on 12.8.03 0959)

Cubs, White Sox and Red Sox fans unite. Its time to overthrow the German Government and re-install our beloved Kaiser. Remember, Kaiser ='s World Series victories.
Ruby Trax
Summer sausage

Since: 10.12.01
From: The KZiM Tower

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.25

    Originally posted by Zundian
    Amelia Marshall

AHHH NO. Of all the awesome people on "Passions" they end up with HER. She is the absolute worst. We can only hope that every time she's on camera her voiceover will say, "Yes, Eve ... I will destroy your family ... and steal your precious husband!" because that is all she ever does ever. Oooh, or maybe she'll just fall off a Sea-Doo and vanish. That would be nice.

The only thing I enjoy more than doing the crossword puzzle is actually finishing it.
The Goon

Since: 2.1.02
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

#7 Posted on
Rena Sofer was on Melrose Place.

I got excited when I saw the headline, but this is no good. Why can't they do ABC vs. CBS vs. NBC (and I guess you have to add FOX now)? That is the real battle.

I remember once there was a tug-of-war, and Mr.T was the anchor for the NBC team. NBC ended up losing, and Mr.T was inconsolable, like he had just lost an Olympic medal he had trained years for.

Plus, Heather Locklear in the dunk tank. Or was it Heather Thomas? Either way, it's all good.

Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミãƒã‚¢ãƒãƒªã‚¹

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.65

    Originally posted by The Goon
    Plus, Heather Locklear in the dunk tank. Or was it Heather Thomas? Either way, it's all good.
It was BOTH!!

I believe Mario Lopez is the guy who played "Slater" on "Saved by the Bell."

Lap cheong

Since: 7.1.02
From: Birmingham, AL

#9 Posted on
Shall I say that Mario Lopez is the guy who played Slater for the fourth time (or third, if you don't count Uber's mere reference to Slater) in this thread? Oops, I guess I already did.

Everything that is wrong in this world can be blamed on Freddie Prinze Jr.
Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミãƒã‚¢ãƒãƒªã‚¹

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.65

    Originally posted by ges7184
    Shall I say that Mario Lopez is the guy who played Slater for the fourth time (or third, if you don't count Uber's mere reference to Slater) in this thread? Oops, I guess I already did.
Sure, if you wanna BEAT THE JOKE TO DEATH


Since: 2.1.02
From: Seattle, WA

#11 Posted on
Speaking of Mario Lopez, I caught the end of "Colors" the other day, where Gerardo blasts Robert Duvall, and who do I notice playing "Gang Member #6"? You guessed it...

Washington Huskies, 2003 Pac-10 football champs. Coming soon.

Since: 12.1.02
From: Fresno, CA

#12 Posted on
Ali Landry is the Dorito-Laundromat girl from a couple of SuperBowls ago.

Baseball's Sad Lexicon

These are the saddest of possible words:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double-
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."

Franklin Pierce Adams ©
My Blog (

Since: 3.1.02
From: Philly

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
I have never watched a single episode of "Saved By The Bell," so I will go stand out in the hall.

(I hold a grudge against the show and its ilk for driving nails into the coffins of Saturday morning cartoons.)

"I'm a little dyslexic......earlier, I freed my ass, and I'm hoping that my mind will follow." -- Moon Zappa

Since: 26.3.03
From: Glendale, Cali

#14 Posted on
Ali Landry and Mario Lopez are also dating. And yes, Ali Landry is the Dorritos girl. I think she also hosted a TV show recently or a TV special at least. Brooke Burns is the hot blonde who hosts "Dog Eat Dog". She was actually on Kimmel last week and talked about this. As of now it's just NBC "stars" battling each other but eventually, they'll be expanding to the actual networks battling each other (according to Brooke).

Oh and Ross "the Intern" is the effeminate, heavyset intern from the Tonight Show that Jay sends out to do celeb interviews at movie premieres and whatnot.

(edited by GrubbyLongJohns on 12.8.03 0953)

Spaceman Spiff

Since: 2.1.02
From: Philly Suburbs

#15 Posted on
Justin Long plays Warren on "Ed". He was also in "Galaxy Quest".

Rena Sofer also was on "Ed" for a bit.


Since: 17.1.02
From: South F’n Carolina

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.44
Let's not forget Mario Lopez's thrilling work on Pacific Blue and The Other Half.

And Ali Landry's highlight reel for me will always contain her work on the 98 Degrees video which featured...Dustin Diamond...who starred with on Saved By The Bell with...Mario Lopez! (All right, I'm starting to feel like Flea here so I'll stop.)

Molly, Stacy and Daffney all in WWE? I suddenly lost all my will to complain about anything regarding the WWE. Hope I don't lose my street cred for this.

TS, the greatest Wiener rated 6.1554 ever to live!! Oops, I mean 5.5...4.5?? Oh, dammit! I guess Notorious FAB was right.
As young as
he feels

Since: 11.12.01
From: China, Maine

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 8.21

A couple of weeks ago they had an all day marathon of the old shows on Trio and it absolutely ruled. My wife and thought that the stars playing for the networks was the ony way to go, but most networks wouldn't want their "stars" getting hurt doing stupid things. I see they came up with an alternative that really doesn't work for me.

By the way, I think Mario Lopez was Slater on Saved by the Bell.

Gabba Gabba Hey!

Since: 26.3.03
From: Glendale, CA

#18 Posted on
Mario Lopez was the drummer on "Kids Incorporated".

He is clearly the star with the largest body of work.

The Thrill

Since: 16.4.02
From: Green Bay, WI

#19 Posted on

    Originally posted by The Goon
    I got excited when I saw the headline, but this is no good. Why can't they do ABC vs. CBS vs. NBC (and I guess you have to add FOX now)? That is the real battle.

If they're not gonna give us network vs. network vs. network vs. network (sorry, no run-ins by UPN and The WB), the stars at least DAMN WELL BETTER BE wearing those hideous 70's "athletic" outfits the original Battle of the Network Stars competitors were.

And who the hell will hold the sideline mic in place of Howard Cosell?

They better not screw this up.

Star wipe, and...we're out.
Thrillin' ain't easy.

ACW-NWA Wisconsin
Home Video Technical Director...&
A2NWO 4 Life!
Polska kielbasa

Since: 10.3.03
From: Elmwood, IL

#20 Posted on
Rena Sofer also had a small part in "Keeping the Faith" with Edward Norton and Ben Stiller, for anyone who cares.

Whatever you want, Birthday Boy!
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