They already did the minimalist non-title approach with the teaser trailer, though, so they probably wanna get the name out there and embedded in the public consciousness. I am REALLY excited about this movie-I've cast a glance over some of the script and it's so much more awesome than any of the previous tries.
Once upon a time in China, some believe, around the year one double-ought three, head priest of the White Lotus Clan, Pai Mei was walking down the road, contemplating whatever it is that a man of Pai Mei's infinite power contemplates - which is another way of saying "who knows" - when a Shaolin monk appeared, traveling in the opposite direction. As the monk and the priest crossed paths, Pai Mei, in a practically unfathomable display of generosity, gave the monk the slightest of nods. The nod was not returned. Now was it the intention of the Shaolin monk to insult Pai Mei or did he just fail to see the generous social gesture? The motives of the monk remain unknown. What is known, are the consequences. The next morning Pai Mei appeared at the Shaolin Temple and demanded of the Temple's head abbot that he offer Pai Mei his neck to repay the insult. The Abbot at first tried to console Pai Mei, only to find Pai Mei was inconsolable. So began the massacre of the Shaolin Temple and all 60 of the monks inside at the fists of the White Lotus. And so began the legend of Pai Mei's five point palm exploding heart technique.
After many dissapointments in live action TV and movies, perhaps the BEST SUPER HERO, PERIOD (you heard me, I said BEST. SUPER. HERO. PERIOD.) will finally get it right. The first trailer looked good, hopefully the second one will too. You can tell a lot sometimes from a movie by the poster, and this looks good (I agree, Freeway, that the use of the iconic nature of the costume was indeed awesomely awesome).
If they made Ra's like RA'S then there's going to be one awesome movie on our hands here.
Looks much better than the first one, which looked pretty darn good. Getting rid of the orange background helps, I think.
So I've come to the conclusion that as long as this bat costume is in the shadows it looks fantastic. That preview picture showing it in full view looked pretty awful.
I like the first one; silhouettes are always cool with me, even though it looks like he’s standing on air... Second (international) one is better. Very cool with the light shinning down on him.
I wonder how The Scarecrow will look.
smark/net attack wienerville advisory holds at ORANGE alert - High (JBL is STILL WWE champion and now smarks arch enemy HHH is the World Champion. Major red threat, but the undercard seems okay. The alert holds... for now)- 9/19
My main purpose in starting a thread about Charlie's Angels this week isn't to discuss the plot, which was...? What happened again? The Angels went undercover into a luxury mansion of supermodels who marry illegal alien criminals who need green cards.