I like the cardboard cutouts I have seen, but I thought when Fox digitally added crowds it was weird. The fan noise is familiar yet disconcerting knowing no one is there. Jim DeShaies said at one point in a Cubs game "The fake crowd goes wild!" - which made me laugh.
take a chance. Mic up a bunch of guys. Mic up the managers. What could it hurt
We'll be back right after order has been restored here in the Omni Center.
That the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms, I will no more believe than that the accidental jumbling of the alphabet would fall into a most ingenious treatise of philosophy - Swift
I watched the first three Marlins games of the season in Philadelphia until their season went to hell. Watching with no crowd (Philly had the cutouts behind home plate) didn't make a difference to me, but go ahead and insert your Marlins attendance joke here.
@gregmparks - live Tweeting of Raw and Impact, wrestling thoughts and other slices of life.
I'm watching. The Mets games are just as enjoyable or painful as last season. Whether they really should be playing, I don't know, but I'll watch whatever I can. Especially since there's so little else new on now.
With the owners having the power they have, I doubt we'll ever get another commissioner with an ounce of independence, or cojones. He/she doesn't get an office...just a cozy spot on Reinsdorf's lap.