Now we get some continuation on another lingering storyline from the premier and that's the arrival of Kang the Conqueror. But with Kang's arrival comes another hint of the upcoming mega-storyline of the Kree-Skrull war, as Kang's future shows the war destroying the world. Absolutely love the way this show's managed to connect every dot.
This was another episode full of comic fan service. We had the first of the Steve Rogers/Tony Stark training sessions, of which I last remember seeing in flashbacks during Civil War. We also got our first official look at the Negative Zone prison, filled with a gaggle of Ultrons.
Hank Pym: Ultron can't be hurt, can't be corrupted...
Yeah, I look forward to that going completely wrong.
Another good episode, the first of a three-parter. Next week, Kang's fleet attacks for a good, 20-minute throwdown.
(edited by It's False on 9.1.11 1340)
"This is the worst kind of discrimination - the kind against me!"
1) these guys are unfortunate idiots. The guy who's named "Conqueror" may in fact be telling you lies about the future, feel free to question his info a bit.
2) Hawkeye would be the world's best Angry Birds player. Three stars all the way.
The Fantastic Four were mentioned and shown. So more name dropping and expending the universe. Makes sense of course if you bring up the Negative zone. Nice to see Wasp look unconvinced when Hank was talking about the Ultrons.
This show is damn good in laying the seeds for many stories to come. And even if those stories never come to fruition, it's enough to make the fans drool :)
I was really surprised to see the Fantastic Four, even just as a cameo. Makes me think we might just see Spider-Man at some point. Loved getting continued seeds of the Kree/Skrull war. I just hope they're able to deliver after all the hype. I also really liked the treatment of Kang, who's an old favorite of mine.
Side-note pertaining to the comics more than the cartoon: How is it that no one in the Marvel universe seems to realize that a negative zone prison is like the worst idea ever?
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I didn't catch that they were in Meredith's van. I thought they were in the old Michael Scott Paper Company van. I don't really want Holly to come back, because that might mean that Toby leaves again.