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The W - Basketball - Are the Clippers actually TRYING???
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Since: 12.1.02
From: Fresno, CA

#1 Posted on
First they match Miami's offer sheet for Brand, and now they match Utah's sheet for Maggette . What is this world coming to?

(edited by Whitebacon on 29.7.03 2247)

Baseball's Sad Lexicon

These are the saddest of possible words:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double-
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."

Franklin Pierce Adams ©

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Head cheese

Since: 2.1.02
From: Chandler, AZ

#2 Posted on
Well, there is a minimum payroll, so they had to pay SOMEBODY!!

Since: 11.7.02
From: MD

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.29
Don't worry, something will come along and screw this up...these are the Clippers afterall.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
- Ben Franklin, 1759
Lap cheong

Since: 10.8.02
From: Queen's University, Canada

#4 Posted on
Don't worry...Dunleavy said on Jim Rome today that they won't match the offer sheet for Andre Miller, and when asked if that meant they were trying to get something done with their other FA (was it Lamar Odom? I think it was...) his phone suddenly went dead. And remember, the Clippers were the Clippers last year with all these guys in their lineup. Bringing them back will only make them...well, the Clippers.

Since: 24.7.02

#5 Posted on
In no way will Donald Sterling do anything to prevent Elgin Baylor from having his yearly Spring trip to lovely, scenic Secaucus, New Jersey.

Will the woman who left her nine infants at Shea Stadium, please pick them up. They already scored six in the first off Tom Glavine, and know more letters of the alphabet than John Franco.
It's False

Since: 20.6.02
From: I am the Tag Team Champions!

#6 Posted on

    Originally posted by BigVitoMark
    Don't worry...Dunleavy said on Jim Rome today that they won't match the offer sheet for Andre Miller, and when asked if that meant they were trying to get something done with their other FA (was it Lamar Odom? I think it was...) his phone suddenly went dead. And remember, the Clippers were the Clippers last year with all these guys in their lineup. Bringing them back will only make them...well, the Clippers.

Yes, but the Clippers were missing guidance. All they had was proven failure Alvin Gentry and interim nobody Dennis Johnson. If anybody can give these kids direction, it's Mike Dunleavy.

Why are these two men unemployed???
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.54
Are you kidding? The Clips could have Phil Freaking Jackson and it still wouldn't help.

All right, I'm enjoying Rhyno's "man-beast" gimmick: He keeps his hair long, wears full-body wrestling tights with a big "R" on the back and uses the "Rhino Gore" as his finishing move. Can't you imagine him watching the Discovery Channel one day while tossing around possible gimmicks and having one of those "Hey, wait a second!" epiphanies during a rhino segment?

To spruce things up, the WWF should give Undertaker and Kane last names -- like Undertaker and Kane O'Brien, the O'Brien Brothers -- just for comedy's sake. Hopefully the door's still open.

RVD is approaching the always-exciting "The crowd loves him, but he's not getting a major push yet" phase which helps makes wrestling so much fun. It only happens once every few years -- Stone Cold in '96, The Rock in '98, Shawn Michaels in '93 and so on. -- ESPN's Bill Simmons back in 2001
Lap cheong

Since: 10.8.02
From: Queen's University, Canada

#8 Posted on
Exactly. Mike Dunleavy may be exponentially better than any coach they've had recently, but the difference between him and Dennis Johnson does not make up for the loss of Andre Miller, Olawakandi (sp?), and possibly Lamar Odom. This will be the same weak team it always is, just without some of the star power they had last year.

Since: 24.7.02

#9 Posted on
The signing of Olden Polynice should be a sign that the Clippers will do everything in their powers to preserve Elgin Baylor's springtime retreat to lovely, scenic downtown Secaucus, New Jersey.

Cubs, White Sox and Red Sox fans unite. Its time to overthrow the German Government and re-install our beloved Kaiser. Remember, Kaiser ='s World Series victories.
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