Boy I'm glad that Washington hired the insufferable Spurrier as head coach. Dan Snyder deserves him. Let's see how golden boy runs up 60-point scores with an owner that doesn't know jock about football. I now have a new least-favorite team.
Never liked the Redskins, never will. And Mr. Spurrier will need to realize that grown men that get a paycheck to play will mean business, unlike the weak teams that Florida keeps running over each year.
Anyone know of any winning college coaches that made successful leaps to the NFL? Marriuchi doesn't count; he was groomed for the 49ers spot.
wasn't JJ's first season like 1-15, and then took them to the big show a few years later? like i care, becaue i'm SKINZ 4 LIFE!!!
DOWN with satan's team [they have an upside down pentagram on their helmets]!!!!!!
-- Ladies and gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice. -- Satisfaction GUARENTEED!!!! or you owe me ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!! R-D-Z
There is no way that Spurrier will have any chances in Washington.
He's going to need time to get used to the situations he'll find himself in, namely coaching a team that doesn't have to do what he says.
He'll have a losing season, to boot, if only because he won't know how the pros handle it.
As such, Snyder will fire him at the end of the season, and Washington should change the team's name from the Redskins to the Laughing Stock.
And I say this not only as a football fan, but as somebody who lives 40 miles away from Washington. My Sunday's are dominated by crappy Redskin games when I wanna watch the Jets game.
So, WWF, if there was say, God forbid, a comet hitting the earth, or a nuclear holocaust, or chemical or biological attack, or a bomb, or the four horsemen of the Apolycolaspe come. All I have to do to survive is watch the WWF?
I am such a mark for silly stuff like throwback day... I love tuning into a game and thinking "What The ?", which always follows by "cool! Throwback jersey!