It's one of those bizarre things that can only happen in an animated show. A full year passes (in this episode, no less) and no one gets any older.
Francine's past as a stand-up comic was something out of left field. It definitely had its moments. Roger disguising through a flood of confetti was an awesome touch. And I got a big laugh out of "Michael Bay's Guide to Sexual Harassment".
The B-plot was the token Klaus story with an abrupt payoff. Just there.
Not the best outing this season, but it did have its moments. EMILIOOOOOOOO~!
I thought the Klaus storyline could have been funnier, but the payoff was nice. I thought last week's episode was a lot funnier. Steve being in the mix seems to be where most of the funny is on the show though I did love Roger's character being called Sweeps. The main problem was Family Guy did the same plot just took it in a different direction then this one.