As has been the case all-too-often these days, it's up to American Dad to save another mediocre Sunday night.
Sharri: And get this fakakta ghoul off the car! Buckle: That's your navigation system, hon. Ghoul: At the corner, take a fright. Sharri: SHUT UP!!!
Oddly enough, I actually enjoyed the B-plot with Steve and Toshi's sister more than the main plot with Stan and the serial killers. Steve imagining himself as a Go Bot was one of the funnier images I've seen this week. As far as sheer coolness goes, I don't think anything was better than Toshi interjecting himself into the main plot and wiping out the serial killers Kill Bill-style.
Not the best AD episode, but it still beats out FG and Cleveland this week.
I enjoyed it as well mainly for Toshi. I wonder if they are going to us him more, he is a hidden gem for that show. The A plot was ok, but I felt like we have seen it before. The only bad part is I don't know if I will get the image of Chun-Li and Gizzmo beat dancing out of my head anytime soon.
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I picked up a bit of a Stan doing Ash from Army of Darkness vibe - especially during the shooting flying demons from the back of Jesus' motorbike scene and also the missing hand stuff. Did Snake Pliskin have both hands?