Well, it's official-- Stephen Jackson is the newest member of the Indiana Pacers, having been acquired from Atlanta in exchange for one of my favorite players, Al Harrington.
It's a sad day for me, I'll admit. I'm sorry to see Al go, even if he did drive me nuts with all this bullshit “I wanna start or else” crap and even if he thought the word “pass” is something you do to a car on the highway. He's still a great guy, I think, and an excellent player, and he'll be missed.
Having said that... welcome aboard, Stevie Jackson! I'm gonna be rooting very hard for you to succeed... I'm sure you'll find a great home here! Best of luck to ya!
“Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?” “Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.”
--Janine and Winston, Ghostbusters
Two-Time Wiener of the Day (5/27/02; 7/3/02)
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But the problem is that a couple of other guys on your block can't afford to pay a kid $200 to cut the grass. You want the best to do it, so you're willing to pay as much as you have to.