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The W - Site Feedback - 7x3=21 Thread close question.
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Lap cheong

Since: 4.4.03
From: Nitro WV

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.92
Just moments ago I saw the number shoot up from seven to 21. Someone playing with the site or was it some weird error that it loaded that way?

Nevermind...I see's in TV & Movies. Is that a permanate change?

(edited by jwrestle on 6.2.07 2001)

Never know who you'll find drunk, not me...I only have the goofy look, at an Irish Pub...current NWA World Women's Champion Christie Ricci
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Big Brother

Since: 9.12.01
From: ミネアポリス

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 9.00
    Originally posted by jwrestle
    Just moments ago I saw the number shoot up from seven to 21. Someone playing with the site or was it some weird error that it loaded that way?

    Nevermind...I see's in TV & Movies. Is that a permanate change?

    (edited by jwrestle on 6.2.07 2001)
Uh....what? What the heck are you talking about?

Ask us again, but this time use English.


Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
I think he's referring to the Threads Will Close in X Days messages in all the forums, just noticing it for the first time.

if so
- each forum is set differently; it's not changing, different forums just have different lengths
- it is as permanent as anything
- and it's been there for months - CMLLBlog
Lap cheong

Since: 4.4.03
From: Nitro WV

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.92
Thank you Cubs.

Never know who you'll find drunk, not me...I only have the goofy look, at an Irish Pub...current NWA World Women's Champion Christie Ricci
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