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20.9.17 0813
The 7 - Pro Wrestling - Jinder Register and log in to post!
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Boudin blanc
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#1 Posted on 20.6.17 1835.32
Reposted on: 20.6.24 1836.16
So I have this feeling that Jinder could be awesome if given a chance. This is obviously a very stick-to-the-script kind of title run he's been given, but I'm really hoping they let him loose a bit and have some fun and develop his character more. Ideas:

1) Start blinging out the turban. Or at least do different colors and patterns and stuff. This is a total no-brainer. He doesn't even have a PPV turban! And will also work after a face-turn, he can start doing the turban in the colors of local sports team!

2) start talking shit about how his family immigrated to Canada instead of America cause America sucks & Canada is awesome. Works on both a political and wrestling level, and gets him over in Canada to boot!

3) let the Singh brothers loose! It's too late for them to be Harv & Gurv, but let them be the Bollywood Boyz again. How awesome would they be as heels talking about "C'mon bro, Wonder Woman made 150 million dollars without even having a dance scene? What is wrong with these Americans, amiright? (high five)"
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#2 Posted on 20.6.17 1919.37
Reposted on: 20.6.24 1919.40
I don't know about all that, but I did go to my first WWE house show in 20 years just because seeing him headline the show vs AJ Styles was to unique to pass up.

Jinder isn't particularly great at anything, but WWE has done a better job of presenting him than I ever would have guessed going in. I think there is more that they can do with Jinder, but they are going to have to add more layers to the character. He can't keep going out there and cutting the same promo every show.

The fact that they haven't had a camera crew go to India with him to get some reaction footage feels like a wasted opportunity to me.

I would try and ride Jinder to Summer Slam and see how that goes.
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#3 Posted on 20.6.17 2029.13
Reposted on: 20.6.24 2029.28
    Originally posted by MoeGates

    3) let the Singh brothers loose! It's too late for them to be Harv & Gurv, but let them be the Bollywood Boyz again. How awesome would they be as heels talking about "C'mon bro, Wonder Woman made 150 million dollars without even having a dance scene? What is wrong with these Americans, amiright? (high five)"

One of the things the WWE never does anymore that I miss is actually filming something outside of the arena. I'd love to see some Latino Heat style vignettes with Jinder and the Singh Bros except with some Indian culture instead of the Latino stuff obviously.
The Goon
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#4 Posted on 22.6.17 0840.34
Reposted on: 22.6.24 0841.23
I had a thought that if they wanted to go that direction, they could have Cena tear Jinder down verbally by pointing out he's not really Indian, but Canadian.

Given he's from here, I'm sure there's pictures of a young Raj Dhesi playing street hockey or community soccer or wearing a cowboy hat from the Calgary Stampede. Cena would be the best person to do that.

But if they're pushing him for the push in India, I guess that would be a bad move.
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