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The 7 - Pro Wrestling - Time to rewatch all of Lucha Underground
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Boudin blanc
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#1 Posted on 24.8.15 1756.52
Reposted on: 24.8.22 1758.37
According to a Rolling Stone article, the graffiti on the temple walls has encoded messages that hint at a greater storyline.

As for what I was looking for when I happened upon the article, no word yet on a second season. But apparently some little girl started crying when she almost got her face sheared off by flying glass tubes in the Vampiro vs Pentagon Jr. match.
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#2 Posted on 24.8.15 1804.46
Reposted on: 24.8.22 1808.01
The Vampiro/Pentagon match was an abomination. It was everything that was ever lousy about ECW and its various knockoffs.
Summer sausage
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#3 Posted on 24.8.15 1808.52
Reposted on: 24.8.22 1811.28
Strongly disagree, it was an awesome match. It had great story, lots of blood, and plenty of brutality. If you think ECW was "lousy", you chose your name well, because that's DAMN false.
Boudin blanc
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#4 Posted on 24.8.15 2056.53
Reposted on: 24.8.22 2056.56
I wasn't happy with the content of the Vampiro/Pentagon match but they did tell a far better story than anything ECW ever did with their hardcore division.

The first time I ever saw an ECW match, it was Raven vs Terry Funk (two guys I knew and respected) and it was so over the top that I was convinced it was a parody and not intended to be taken seriously. It reminded me of a bloodier second coming of GLOW. It was close to five years before I learned that ECW was a real wrestling company that people watched on purpose.

Edit: Here's an interesting recap of an off-line Q&A with Christopher Dejoseph about Lucha Underground.

Highlights include the fact that Johnny Mundo vs Puma wasn't supposed to happen on the first episode but they were forced to push it forward after Drago, Fenix, and Pentagon Jr.'s entry into the country was delayed.

Also, Marty the Moth was originally supposed to play Mils Muertes. Thank god that didn't pan out.

Matt Striker was asked to do commentary the day before the first taping and he signed his contract on his way out to ringside.

(edited by InVerse on 24.8.15 2114)
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#5 Posted on 24.8.15 2230.08
Reposted on: 24.8.22 2231.38

Eric Wagenen (Executive Producer and Show Runner of Lucha Underground) told the same story on Steve Austin's podcast. It's also an interesting interview worth checking out. Wagenen and Austin have a good rapport because Wagenen worked with Austin on Tough Enough.
Matt Tracker
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#6 Posted on 25.8.15 0832.36
Reposted on: 25.8.22 0832.47
My favorite story is the progression of Son of Havoc.
Boudin blanc
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#7 Posted on 25.8.15 1226.31
Reposted on: 25.8.22 1228.15
    Originally posted by Matt Tracker
    My favorite story is the progression of Son of Havoc.

DeJoseph noted that Matt Cross was now the original choice for Son of Havoc, thought he didn't say who was.

I've been a huge fan of Matt Cross ever since I watched him (and ODB) save an indie show after someone got injured and it took the ambulance nearly 30 minutes to show up.

The crowd was already bummed out because the main event was supposed to be Shannon Moore vs AJ Styles but Moore's mother-in-law died earlier that week, so he wasn't there, and AJ Styles broke his ankle a couple of days before, so while he did show up to sign autographs, he wasn't able to wrestle. The main event ended up being Billy Gunn vs some local guy who never did anything. (To Billy Gunn's credit, he worked his ass off in that match and it was easy to see why the WWE announcers always touted his athleticism.)

Anyway, Matt Cross & ODB were teamed up in a three-or-four way intergender match. They came out and were able to get the crowd back in the mood for wrestling and put on a great show, including the first time I ever saw a shooting star press in person. And Matt Cross throws one of the most beautiful shooting star presses in the business.

I'm really curious as to how much of the Son of Havoc stuff was planned from the beginning and how much was a reaction to the crowd. They way they treated him in the very beginning was probably the most WWE-like thing they did all season. The crowd knew he deserved better and they made it clear that they thought so.

He was treated as a joke up until Aztec Warfare, where he was allowed to show off a bit (including the television debut of bouncing off the top rope head first and possibly the best shooting star press he's ever thrown) and was then left off TV for a full month until he faced off against Angelico in what would kick off a storyline that would run for the rest of the season.

Incidentally, that was the same night that Drago faced Aerostar for the first time. And some dude named Al popped up at the very end of the show. And I accidentally tricked Cerebus into watching midget porn. All in all, a productive night.

Anyway, I'm curious as to what their plans were for Son of Havoc at the time Aztec Warfare was taped. Did they have bigger plans for him all along or were they smart enough to seize the moment when it was presented to them?
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#8 Posted on 25.8.15 1319.33
Reposted on: 25.8.22 1321.33
That graffiti can also be seen in the Madden launch trailer - it's the same warehouse, with all the Lucha Underground stuff removed. You can see the outside for a brief instant as motocycles race in.

    DeJoseph noted that Matt Cross was now the original choice for Son of Havoc, thought he didn't say who was.

My understanding has been Joey Ryan and Candice LeRae were the original choice, though no one in charge has confirmed that to me and different people doing the roles means they would've gone with a different direction for the characters.

    Anyway, I'm curious as to what their plans were for Son of Havoc at the time Aztec Warfare was taped. Did they have bigger plans for him all along or were they smart enough to seize the moment when it was presented to them?

They definitely had plans to try as make as many people possible as capable of main eventing any show and probably would've eventually done more with Havoc as a result, but the producers have said the live crowd getting behind Son of Havoc got them to do more with him. My hunch is the Angelico/Havoc/Ivelisse triangle still takes place after Aztec Warfare, but they probably wouldn't have ended up with the trios titles if the fans weren't chanting for Son of Havoc for being awesome even in his losses.

(edited by thecubsfan on 25.8.15 1321)
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