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Mr Shh
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#1 Posted on 9.2.15 0915.39
Reposted on: 9.2.22 0923.07
I was fooled. I didn't bring it all together in my head until close to the end, and the realization made it all the more heart-breaking. Beautifully done.

The episode borrowed thematic elements from Lost. And in some indirect way, I think the title of the episode is a play on "Whatever Happened, Happened". Tyreese not killing Baseball Cap Guy, and then lying about it, sets off a chain of events that leads us to the current state. But all of the bad stuff was going to happen anyway. Maybe I'm reaching.

Lost in all of the sadness is the disturbing way Shirewilt Estates dealt with walkers.

Top 5 episode.
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Parts Unknown
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#2 Posted on 9.2.15 0917.14
Reposted on: 9.2.22 0923.07
I'm glad Tyrese is gone because he was a big baby and basically useless. Well, worse than useless because his morality actually dragged the group down. I was glad Dale was killed for the same reasons.

Glen picking up the bat...foreshadowing.
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#3 Posted on 9.2.15 0939.27
Reposted on: 9.2.22 0941.46
    Originally posted by Mr Shh
    Lost in all of the sadness is the disturbing way Shirewilt Estates dealt with walkers.

I don't think that was how they dealt with it, but rather outsiders. If you look closely, they all have a "W" scratched into their heads and there is some interesting spraypaint on walls in some scenes worth noting. Words that start with "W" and whatnot.

JimBob Skeeter
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#4 Posted on 9.2.15 0958.27
Reposted on: 9.2.22 0958.51
    Originally posted by Parts Unknown
    I'm glad Tyrese is gone because he was a big baby and basically useless. Well, worse than useless because his morality actually dragged the group down. I was glad Dale was killed for the same reasons.

    Glen picking up the bat...foreshadowing.

Y'know, my wife and I were both sad that they killed him, but after reading this, I couldn't agree more. The big baby is gone. Maybe Judith can grow up with a set of balls now.

Ditto on the bat..........

i kinda noticed the paint stuff, but will pay attention better next week during the repeat.

Yeah, them body parts. Even exploding out of the back of that pickup. Wtf. Oh, and what's the deal with the crash in the middle of the woods? And who do you think the lady in the front seat of that car is? Why did she ram that truck?
Matt Tracker
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#5 Posted on 9.2.15 1015.00
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1019.11
The most ambitiously directed and edited episode so far. Lots of great touches, including Tyrese's ghost conversations mirroring Rick's on the prison phone.

After seeing the ghosts drive Tyrese in the afterlife carpool, we can go back to the scene where the girls are pulling his arm. We switch quickly to the group stretching out that arm to cut it off. The girls are trying to pull him to death, and the gang are unknowingly severing the connection to keep him alive. They succeed only for a time.

I agree about the development being attacked by the living. There's no reason for those behind the walls to destroy their security after bisecting walkers.

Glad to see Michonne push for sanctuary. If the hospital people can do it in the middle of a major city, so can they.
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#6 Posted on 9.2.15 1150.17
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1159.03
I thought the gated community was a key from the comics, but its a fake out. I don't know about this episode. I thought Tyrese's death was handled well. Yet the weird art house editing made it a bit awkward borderline eye rolling. For a guy who used to play in the NFL, he sure as hell never learned to keep his head on a swivel. It was cool to hear what could be the origins to the virus.

The commercial breaks for this thing were awful. It felt like Walking Dead was bothering the advertisers.
Boudin blanc
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#7 Posted on 9.2.15 1152.35
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1159.04
This death really did reek of a thinning out of the heard - coupled with the fact that, once again, having a character with any sort of desire to retain a sense of humanity means that character is pretty much doomed... because that point hasn't been made ad nauseum. At least Chad Coleman got a nice monologue out of it, which is more than they did for poor ol' T-Dogg. And The Governor was a nice touch.

Having said that, I think it was a pretty beautiful episode with some amazing story-telling, even if the story itself wasn't all that interesting and Tyreese really did deserve a better arc (I would've bet cash-money that Sasha would be gone before Tyreese). I don't get the Tyreese hate at all, but then I think I watch this show for entirely different reasons than a lot of you.

I did like the juxtaposition of Glen and Rick talking about Dawn and the morality of killing her while unaware that Tyreese was bit and bleeding out.

I hope they don't explain the body parts and severed torsos. I like that this world clearly has stuff going on in it that will never be explained. It makes feel like it's almost a real place. And I like the throw away line about why they couldn't salvage the gated community - maybe the writers have learned from the hospital after all.

It's clear that, after Beth's death, the group isn't really doing so well and, emotionally speaking, is barely holding on by a thread.

(edited by Leroy on 9.2.15 2204)
Parts Unknown
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#8 Posted on 9.2.15 1229.00
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1229.01
    Originally posted by Leroy
    I don't get the Tyrese hate at all, but then I think I watch this show for entirely different reasons than a lot of you.

I watch to see humanity in a pressure cooker, and how it responds to the worse situation imaginable. That's why I haven't liked all the "We just can't DO this! It's WRONG!" type of characters - they wouldn't last five minutes in that harsh world, in my opinion. Plus, it isn't just that Tyrese was a pacifist; it's that his pacifism led to bad, real, predictable results. You do NOT leave a murderous CANNIBAL alive when you are protecting a baby and dozens of others!

    Originally posted by Leroy
    I hope they don't explain the body parts and severed torsos. I like that this world clearly has stuff going on in it that will never be explained. It makes feel like it's almost a real place.

I totally agree. It's like that country club they found with the bodies desecrated and set up inside with signs like 'RICH BITCH' on them. It could've been Joe's group, or maybe this new group of marauders, but I love that it's a mystery.

Also, the burned holes in the new town...looked like someone grenaded the place after driving a truck through a fence.
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#9 Posted on 9.2.15 1259.16
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1302.07
Okay, I wasn't as locked on as I should have been on this episode early on and ignored the radio broadcast. It wasn't until the end that I realized I might be missing something. I assumed it was just a replay of early happenings. Did they mention theories on the virus?
Boudin blanc
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#10 Posted on 9.2.15 1302.42
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1303.55
    Originally posted by Parts Unknown
    That's why I haven't liked all the "We just can't DO this! It's WRONG!" type of characters - they wouldn't last five minutes in that harsh world, in my opinion. Plus, it isn't just that Tyrese was a pacifist; it's that his pacifism led to bad, real, predictable results.

I don't think he knew Martin was a murderous cannibal at that particular moment. He knew he was a bad guy who was willing to threaten an infant, but... (yeah, nevermind)...

My counterpoint is that you need characters that act as yardsticks to measure how far the world has descended into chaos as compared to the world prior to the apocalypse. For me, that's the reason the criticisms of Dale, Gabriel, Andrea (to a lesser extent), and Tyreese falls a little flat. We kind of know already, from both current events and historical ones as well, the depravity to which humanity can fall, but the interesting stories are always the ones in which perseverance and 'faith' (for lack of a better word, as that's not a word in my typical wheelhouse) can overcome.

It's very easy to just have a nihilistic world in which everyone fights for themselves and trusts no one. The real energy of the show, for me, is those character that resist those urges - or, at least - realize that there's a line that they need to be careful to not cross. Not every character is going to be at the same distance from that line (Rick walks a half step next to it), where as Tyreese was still a ways away.

And to a certain extent, what made his story compelling to me was that he was one of the few characters who started a lot closer to that line than he ended up. He was one of the few who didn't just say, 'I'm not going to cross this point', he was actively walking the other direction. And I think there was room for that voice within the group (even if it'll now be a different alumnus of The Wire).

(edited by Leroy on 9.2.15 2205)
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#11 Posted on 9.2.15 1341.41
Reposted on: 9.2.22 1342.47
    Originally posted by BigDaddyLoco
    Okay, I wasn't as locked on as I should have been on this episode early on and ignored the radio broadcast. It wasn't until the end that I realized I might be missing something. I assumed it was just a replay of early happenings. Did they mention theories on the virus?

I think the radio broadcasts were a reference to what Tyrese said about listening to the radio with his dad when he was little, and the horrible things he would hear about, but that his dad didn't ever turn the radio off because he thought Tyrese needed to know what kind of world he lived in. It was a good thematic parallel to Tyrese's monologue about not having closed his eyes to reality, but instead trying to be better because of it.
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