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Summer sausage
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#1 Posted on 9.12.14 0247.53
Reposted on: 9.12.21 0250.14
No guest GM this time, unless Seth Green was supposed to be the one booking the show. Jericho is guest host next week.

Another week full of TLC buildup matches, along with the Slammies for this year. About half of the trophies ended up being hijacked by someone else, including Rollins swiping the Slammies for Sting and Orton and Miz snatching Mizdow's 'Best LOL' Slammy practically right out of his hands. Bryan only won Best Couple for him and Brie, losing Best Wrestler and Best Match. Personally I thought the Triple Threat at Wrestlemania was better than Team Authority's Last Dance at SS, but the latter match was still really fresh in everyone's mind.

Roman Reigns surprised me by winning Best Wrestler, since he's been sidelined for awhile and the Universe doesn't seem to have a very deep memory. At least he bothered to actually show up to accept it, which makes me wonder just how legit the vote counting is ... would he have really shown up just in case he won?

It seemed odd to make New Day job on (technically) their first match back, but they've been winning their matches since then at least. I guess if they had to job in Tag Team Turmoil, at least they got one victory in before getting knocked out. I kinda dig these guys, they've got a James Brown gospel sort of feel to them.

Nothing else really comes to mind, bit of a forgettable show. Disappointing considering this was the takeaway show for TLC, but they only had 3 weeks to put the card together as opposed to the never-ending buildup to Survivor Series.


EDIT: Ah, crap, I forgot to update the date and show number. Can a mod help me out? It's impossible for regular users to edit thread titles.

(edited by Blind_Guardian on 9.12.14 0251)
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#2 Posted on 9.12.14 0732.31
Reposted on: 9.12.21 0733.09
In Diva news...

They bring Charlotte up from NXT for a competitive match with Natalya. Natty gets the pin and I'm alright with that because of Tyson Kidd's post match celebration and spotlight hogging.

AJ gives a list of all the non Barbie Dolls on the roster during her acceptance speech for Diva of the year.

Superstar of the year... Roman Reigns... I call BS. I point to the Raw return of Daniel Bryan a few weeks ago as evidence.

(edited by Vaderblade on 9.12.14 0632)

(edited by Vaderblade on 9.12.14 0636)
JimBob Skeeter
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#3 Posted on 9.12.14 0733.34
Reposted on: 9.12.21 0734.50
I wonder if Reigns was instructed to say: "It's not the brass ring, but I'll take it!", then all the other stuff about Cena, Orton, HHH, Vince, etc. standing in his way. It all seemed a bit to convenient for Reigns to say that crap on his first time back "not via sattelite".

ME was pretty much the same as the month before, (schmozz-wise), minus HHH and Steph, and Big Show is wearing his dark tights instead of the white and blue ones.
Pickled pork
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#4 Posted on 9.12.14 0755.42
Reposted on: 9.12.21 0756.06
Cena won the award while Punk was champion for the whole year. Scripted or no, it's all the same, really.

It can be validation for a wrestler who has actually had the best year, or it can serve into WWE's booking mindset. WWE will twist how they see fit and fans won't always vote for credibility.

The Slammy's are what they are; a largely meaningless presentation WWE can utilize when it plays into their interests. Bryan's SOTY win was largely ignored by the company pretty much straight away, but you can bet the house on WWE bringing up Reigns SOTY award for weeks and months to come, in all the segments remotely related to him.

It's a hilarious outcome, I can't deny, but just see & accept it for what it is - a clever piece of marketing.

On a positive note, we can all sit back and observe as WWE over push another golden-boy into fan apathy. Over-compensation, such as this, will build until resentment spills over. Not that it will change anything. Enough of the audience (mostly kids, I grant you) will buy into Reigns to validate WWE's decision.

That said, WWE should be wary with how they go from here. If Reigns wins SOTY, The Rumble & the Heavyweight belt at WM31, all within the next six months - after a 3/4 month absence, coupled with the "fact" that he's not really excelling in any area; Reigns will be a made-man, but much more in the vein of John Cena than Stone Cold (in terms of fan perception).

Hey, If WWE are OK with carrying on the routine of a vocal percentage of the audience resenting their top attraction for the next ten years, then fair play to them.

If however they're not, then they might want to consider scaling back just a bit. Reigns can be *the man*, however, forcing their hand will hurt nearly as much as it helps.

(edited by steven87gill on 9.12.14 1641)
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#5 Posted on 9.12.14 0808.31
Reposted on: 9.12.21 0808.56
    Originally posted by steven87gill
    Enough of the audience (mostly kids, I grant you) will buy into Reigns to validate WWE's decision.

I don't get it, you accept that the fans like Reigns yet you also complain that they're not listening to the fans.

Sounds like the WWE is damned if they do and damned if they don't among a small segment of the fans.
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#6 Posted on 9.12.14 1135.38
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1136.37
    Originally posted by wannaberockstar
      Originally posted by steven87gill
      Enough of the audience (mostly kids, I grant you) will buy into Reigns to validate WWE's decision.

    I don't get it, you accept that the fans like Reigns yet you also complain that they're not listening to the fans.

    Sounds like the WWE is damned if they do and damned if they don't among a small segment of the fans.

Yes. I don't buy the Reigns thing, but its a made up award decided by the company. If it was a straight online vote, he wouldn't win or be close. The Survivor Series match was at least a MOTYC.
Dr Unlikely
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#7 Posted on 9.12.14 1240.13
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1240.13
One year ago on Raw: the crowd openly revolts on the Cena/Orton title unification match to chant for Daniel Bryan, CM Punk gives us the greatest wrestling reaction gif of all time, John Cena cuts his last great promo, Orton eats a Pedigree that takes 11 months to pay off

That was a good thread, let's just bump that one back up again.
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#8 Posted on 9.12.14 1342.26
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1343.02
    Originally posted by Dr Unlikely
    One year ago on Raw: the crowd openly revolts on the Cena/Orton title unification match to chant for Daniel Bryan, CM Punk gives us the greatest wrestling reaction gif of all time, John Cena cuts his last great promo, Orton eats a Pedigree that takes 11 months to pay off

    That was a good thread, let's just bump that one back up again.

I mentioned to IJ that it was the one-year anniversary of us being at Raw. That was a great friggin' show.

Then I read to her (because we don't get the show live as west coasters) the nominees for "Superstar of the Year" and this was her (paraphrased, but pretty darn accurate) reaction:

WHAT? No Dolph Ziggler?! NO DOLPH ZIGGLER??? He wasn't EVEN NOMINATED?!?!?! Let's go through, wait...Brock Lesnar's been on like TWO SHOWS! Yeah, he beat the Undertaker and Cena but I forgot he was even the champ! Dean Ambrose? Maybe, OK. John Cena? Mayyyyyybe. Seth RollinsNO! Daniel Bryan...Daniel Bryan? He's awesome but hasn't been there ALL YEAR!!! Roman Reigns isn't as good as Ziggler! And HE hasn't been there EITHER!! And Bray Frickin' Wyatt? Not Ziggler...not Ziggler, but Bray Wyatt was nominated?? For SUPERSTAR. OF THE YEAR???!?!?!?! I can't even.

So needless to say, she thought there was some injustice there. I wish she had a Twitter account for times like that.
Summer sausage
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#9 Posted on 9.12.14 1404.00
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1404.22
While I don't agree that Wyatt wasn't deserving of Superstar of the Year (he at least has been here the whole time, minus a month off to rebuild his image, and has consistently delivered really good matches despite how they mismanaged his booking and win/loss record), Ziggler definitely did deserve to be nominated. Especially after winning the Match of the Year. Arguably more than Daniel Bryan (who put on some awesome matches in the first part, but has been out for about half the year) and certainly more than Reigns (who's also been out and isn't half the wrestler Ziggler or Bryan are). Plus, they already had, what, 6 or 7 candidates? They couldn't have added just one more?

Reigns winning was almost certainly a work, considering his heavily scripted acceptance speech.
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#10 Posted on 9.12.14 1436.47
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1436.54
Why on earth - why in the WWE UNIVERSE - would you throw away the first Harper/Rowan singles matchup with no build on this show? WHY? WHY? WHY?
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#11 Posted on 9.12.14 1442.03
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1442.13
I had no desire to watch this stupid show but I wound up seeing most of it whilst playing games and doing other stuff. It was a terrible show for many reasons, but there were two great moments:

Michael Cole: "Hey Seth, did you know I'm a three-time Slammy winner?"
Seth Green (Raw host): "No, I didn't. What did you win for?"
Cole: "...All kinds of things!"

Ricky Steamboat (introducing the Match of the Year award): "In WWE, there are thousands of matches every year. Many of them are good."

The remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes of the show were garbage, though, and I didn't even list them giving away Harper vs Rowan for no reason:
- Ambrose popping out of a back-lit smoke-filled ambulance (Scott Christ described this on Twitter as "some Jim Herd-era WCW shit"), having recovered from a "crushed trachea" in a week - I bet Steamboat felt like a pussy when he saw that
- Ric Flair's daughter debuting on Raw in a show in the Carolinas to promote her NXT title defense on an upcoming special and losing to Natalya in 2 minutes
- Roman Reigns winning Superstar of the Year because he... beat Randy Orton, I guess?
- Dolph accepting the award for match of the year, saying "I was up against three opponents, careers were on the line, but I did what any WWE Superstar would do - do everything in my power to entertain you"
- RVD introducing the Extreme Moment of the Year should be on this list but he was so terrible that it became great - that dude is bad at everything anymore
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#12 Posted on 9.12.14 1508.44
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1508.55
Roman Recount. The crowd goes, uh, wild for the Big Dog.

It's not good when the best hoped for explanation of the booking of Charlotte was Vince tweaking Triple H to keep him humble. Otherwise we're back in "impeach the chairman" territory. At least Tyson was great.

Making RVD read that patter was the worst thing the company has ever done to him, and they once tried to force him to go into a war zone.

Shield vs. Wyatts might be my pick for Match of the Year, but I think everything they nominated was MOTYC level.

Ziggler finally escaped his eternal TV jobs nemesis Alberto only to find a new one in Seth.
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#13 Posted on 9.12.14 1736.26
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1738.15
    Originally posted by KJames199

    - Ambrose popping out of a back-lit smoke-filled ambulance (Scott Christ described this on Twitter as "some Jim Herd-era WCW shit"), having recovered from a "crushed trachea" in a week - I bet Steamboat felt like a pussy when he saw that

Huh. Guess I would've liked Jim Herd WCW, because I kinda loved that whole thing. I don't think the intent was that Ambrose was properly recovered, it was that he didn't give a shit what condition his neck was in, he fully intended to get some revenge. Insanity over brains, and it can pay off with Bray disabling him with blows to the neck whenever Dean gets the upper hand.

But basically, I kinda loved it, but I'm an Ambrose mark generally.
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#14 Posted on 9.12.14 1736.27
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1738.22
    Originally posted by KJames199

    - Ambrose popping out of a back-lit smoke-filled ambulance (Scott Christ described this on Twitter as "some Jim Herd-era WCW shit"), having recovered from a "crushed trachea" in a week - I bet Steamboat felt like a pussy when he saw that

Huh. Guess I would've liked Jim Herd WCW, because I kinda loved that whole thing. I don't think the intent was that Ambrose was properly recovered, it was that he didn't give a shit what condition his neck was in, he fully intended to get some revenge. Insanity over brains, and it can pay off with Bray disabling him with blows to the neck whenever Dean gets the upper hand.

But basically, I kinda loved it, but I'm an Ambrose mark generally.
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#15 Posted on 9.12.14 1811.25
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1811.31
Why do they keep cramming NXT Specials and PPVs into the same week? It's a lot for person to squeeze into one week.

The Big Show might be the most compelling character on Raw right now.

(edited by BigDaddyLoco on 9.12.14 2016)
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#16 Posted on 9.12.14 1938.35
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1939.51
    Originally posted by BigDaddyLoco
    Why do they keep cramming NXT Specials and PPVs into the same week? It's a lot for person to squeeze into one week.

    The Big Show might be the most compelling character on Raw right now.

    (edited by BigDaddyLoco on 9.12.14 2016)

I think they use the NXT specials to test stuff with the network prior to the PPVs.

I'm actually okay with Charlotte taking the loss. NXT has done a really good job of positioning it so that, by definition, a main-roster superstar or diva is a better class of wrestler than someone on NXT. They don't always win, but they usually do - Titus O'Neil just recently got main event time down there just because he's a main roster player.
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#17 Posted on 9.12.14 1954.57
Reposted on: 9.12.21 1956.04
    Originally posted by KJames199

    - Ambrose popping out of a back-lit smoke-filled ambulance (Scott Christ described this on Twitter as "some Jim Herd-era WCW shit"), having recovered from a "crushed trachea" in a week - I bet Steamboat felt like a pussy when he saw that

It was clear from the promo and his voice that his throat wasn't 100%.
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