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14.12.17 0447
The 7 - Movies & TV - Mike Tyson Mysteries 1x1: "The End"
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Big Brother
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Since: 9.12.01
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#1 Posted on 28.10.14 1412.37
Reposted on: 28.10.21 1413.01
(image removed)

Buried deep in the RAW timeslot, you would be forgiven for not having noticed that Adult Swim premiered the warmly anticipated "Mike Tyson Mysteries" last night, but after catching the encore, for me, it met all the expectations one could muster for an animated update of the "Scooby-Doo" type genre, starring Mike Tyson as himself, leading a team including his college-bound daughter, a ghost and a talking pigeon. It doesn't hurt that the voices of Jim Rash and Norm MacDonald are omnipresent. I expect this will be a great way to waste eleven minutes, but maybe YOU'D like to invest 11 minutes and find out for yourself. Fortunately for YOU, it's online at​​videos/​​mike-​​tyson-​​mysteries/​​the-​​end/​​ for...a while, probably. (Non-US folks, let me know if you can't access it here and I'll poke around for other means)

Try it! It MAY make you completely forget about the rape conviction!


(edited by CRZ on 28.10.14 1413)
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#2 Posted on 1.11.14 0134.31
Reposted on: 1.11.21 0135.10
Super late or not, I gotta say that I loved this. The voice work is great, especially as it regards Tyson trying to say big words. I laughed every single time he tried to say Cormac McCarthy and chupacabra. Obviously this had a crazy ending, but I'll take that every time if Tyson brings the funny like he did.
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