Mr Shh
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| #1 Posted on 27.10.14 0948.41 Reposted on: 27.10.21 0949.53 | I was about ready to swear off the show after considering the slim possibility that Rick would be stupid enough to leave the church barely guarded. Ok, fine, Rick clearly is smarter than that, but then is Gareth really dumb enough to fall for that trap? It's possible that these seasoned hunters severly underestimated their prey, but then again, these seasoned hunters didn't bother checking Bob's body for walker bites.
When Bob's crying morphed into laughing, it was one of the most satisfying points of the show for me. I was happy to see the "good guys" get this victory, even if it was only psychological. I wasn't expecting that a much bigger victory was coming later. My theory was that Bob had a barely visible scratch on the leg that the cannibals were eating, and that the amputation actually saved Bob's life.
About that bigger victory later, as I said, total surprise for me. And it eventually made me uncomfortable to watch Rick get so violent. If that was the intention, then it worked. But at least baseball cap guy, defiant til the end, finally got his. Promote this thread! | | StaggerLee
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| #2 Posted on 27.10.14 1133.56 Reposted on: 27.10.21 1135.26 | Rick's comments about already making a promise were pretty great.
I'm not liking this season as much as last, besides the "where's Beth" angle, there's nothing that's really keeping me interested. Super Carol saved the day in the premier, but it went downhill quickly after that.
| Leroy
Boudin blanc Level: 100
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| #3 Posted on 27.10.14 1237.51 Reposted on: 27.10.21 1237.52 | Originally posted by Mr Shh Ok, fine, Rick clearly is smarter than that...
Given that, historically speaking, Rick hasn't always been the sharpest knife in the drawer, I really went back and forth as to whether he'd be dumb enough to take his strongest allies and leave the weakest folks behind. Part of the reason I like this season is that Rick does't do that "whaddaya doin'!!?!" stuff anymore.
I'm a little bummed that the group is splitting up - yet AGAIN - and we're going back to this format - but I have some high hopes that it'll be worth it.
As for next week's episode, I'm not liking Carol's chances. I have a sneaking suspicion that she's going to sacrifice herself to save Beth and Daryl.
Originally posted by StaggerLee Super Carol saved the day in the premier, but it went downhill quickly after that.
I could not disagree more. This season has, so far, been far more interesting than nearly anything that happened last season. | CruelAngel777
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| #4 Posted on 27.10.14 1449.24 Reposted on: 27.10.21 1449.42 | I'm just glad that Gareth wasn't the new Governor and his life was stretched out over a season and a half. Now most threats should be under a Punisher Rogue Gallery time line. See the threat, confront it, wipe it off the planet's existence immediately. Rick was so right to want to go back and finish Gareth at Terminus the first time.
I'm also very happy that my biggest gripe from the last episode was just denial from Michonne. She saw her blade and looked at it like she regained her lost child. The anybody hear the reveal music that plays when Link digs in a treasure chest as she eyed her blade in the Terminus' guys belongings? It couldn't of been just me.
Fucking Eugene is a retard, and Abraham is a loser. I hate the both of them. Now Glen and Maggie have to run off with these losers and I hope they realize how full of shit those two are and u-turn that bus after leaving them stranded.
Poor Bob... he died and didn't even get enough time to get some booty beforehand. Life is cold in WD. | StaggerLee
Scrapple Level: 161
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| #5 Posted on 27.10.14 1457.19 Reposted on: 27.10.21 1457.38 | Originally posted by Leroy
I'm a little bummed that the group is splitting up - yet AGAIN - and we're going back to this format - but I have some high hopes that it'll be worth it.
I could not disagree more. This season has, so far, been far more interesting than nearly anything that happened last season.
See, I actually really liked last season with them in groups or two or three. More time to flesh out their characters and to showcase each individual's motivations and fears.
| SchippeWreck
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| #6 Posted on 27.10.14 1531.59 Reposted on: 27.10.21 1532.06 | So, I was wrong last week, and it was the same baseball cap guy back with Gareth's group. That said, what was the point of Tyrese letting him live and lying about it, if he was only going to survive for about three more scenes? It doesn't even set up a trust wedge between Tyrese and Rick, since Rick never saw the guy in the cabin in the first place. The only other one who saw him was Carol, and she was gone when he came back and finally died. Seems needlessly complicated.
Other than that, I'm loving what they're doing this season.
(edited by SchippeWreck on 27.10.14 1333) | Tribal Prophet
Andouille Level: 95
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| #7 Posted on 27.10.14 2326.55 Reposted on: 27.10.21 2327.20 | I don't think Tyrese lied about killing the guy and decided to let him live. I think Tyrese honestly thought he had beat the guy to death and left.
As far as I remember he's never killed anyone in cold blood before, let alone with his bare hands. He's not as trained in killing as the rest, and after thinking he killed someone probably just got the heck out of there where others would have been cold enough to stay and check to make sure.
I think it was more to show Tyrese's character as someone who's still not mentally prepared to be killing people in this new world. | Matt Tracker
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| #8 Posted on 28.10.14 1015.53 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1017.58 | Gabriel is dead weight, an extraneous Tyrese with no survival skills. I do not want to see him magically survive throughout the season nor should he be Babysitter Emeritus. We need something out of this guy soon.
Abraham shouting Eugene into capitulation was great.
Gareth was a good villain, and he got a great death scene. Nicely done there.
The Lovely Mrs. Tracker needed a refresher on bite protocol. It seems like forever since we've had someone turn from a wound instead of being mangled and chomped. Was Andrea the last? I think everyone in the prison turned after dying from the flu.
I appreciated Michonne's hesitation to reclaim Mjolnir. She wants to be past that part of her survival. Or so she said. But it's such a great weapon. It doesn't run out of ammo. It doesn't jam. And the relative weak skeletons of the walkers won't dull the blade as quickly as strong, living bones. Even Daryl can only recycle so many arrows.
Speaking of which, there are three people he could calling out of the woods: Carol, Beth, and Morgan. I hope it's not Beth because that would mean she missed Maggie by mere hours. And I don't want Carol to take another opportunity to split off from the regular crew, and I can't see her staying back while Daryl moves forward; Carol would be at his side. Maybe a combination of the three. However, Morgan joining the gang now feels a bit like replacing a black guy with a black guy just for demographic casting.
Love this version of Rick. | Leroy
Boudin blanc Level: 100
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| #9 Posted on 28.10.14 1055.49 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1056.50 | Originally posted by Matt Tracker The Lovely Mrs. Tracker needed a refresher on bite protocol. It seems like forever since we've had someone turn from a wound instead of being mangled and chomped. Was Andrea the last?
Andrea pulled the plug before she could turn. It's been a long while since someone went through the whole process on screen just from a single bite. Maybe Andrea's sister in Season 1?
Supposedly, the writers do have a consistency check for how people turn, from what, and how fast (I can't find any link - maybe Chris Hardwick mentioned it). So a single bite may take forever to kill and turn someone, while dying from a mortal wound may speed up the process.
This is also one of those things that tends not to bother me too much - as real life diseases affect people differently. And it also falls into that 'because zombies don't really exist'...
(edited by Leroy on 28.10.14 1216) | Matt Tracker
Scrapple Level: 142
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| #10 Posted on 28.10.14 1113.44 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1114.14 | Originally posted by Leroy Andrea pulled the plug before she could turn. It's been a long while since someone went through the whole process on screen just from a single bite. Maybe Andrea's sister in Season 1?
We thought about her, and Some Guy they left under a tree on the way to the CDC. They had to put down Dale after he was chomped in the cow field (thanks, Carl), and they cut off Herschel's leg because he was bit. Bob was saved from a bite last season by bandages. But it had been so long since we recalled this kind of wound that we paused the show to compare notes. | JimBob Skeeter
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| #11 Posted on 28.10.14 1155.12 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1158.13 | Just thought of something. Last season on "Claimed", when Carl and Michonne were out on a supply run, they went into that house that had the sunflower picture and a couple of other things that left people to think that Mary lived there. Now that we know Mary was Gareth and his brother's (David?) mother, I want to go back and re-watch that episode to see if there was any signs of Gareth or David in that house. That was the house with the dead family in it, right? | Greymarch
Boudin rouge Level: 52
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| #12 Posted on 28.10.14 1228.17 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1229.01 | I thought that bites didn't "infect" people with zombie-itis or anything, but rather it was simply a horrible infected (normal) wound because of the amount of nastiness in the human mouth being compounded even further by being an animated corpse?
Like the people bite just die of a normal infection and then turn just like anyone else. | MonteCarl
Potato korv Level: 58
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| #13 Posted on 28.10.14 1413.20 Reposted on: 28.10.21 1413.23 | I feel like Glen and Maggie leaving the group should've been WAY bigger of a dramatic moment. Glen has been there with Rick since Day One and is his definite #2 in command right next to or slightly behind Darryl. There wasn't even a real moment between the two before they hopped in the bus and left. All that was said about it was Glen's "It's not your choice to make", and that's it. Seems like it should be a much bigger deal than it was. | lotjx
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| #14 Posted on 2.11.14 0935.04 Reposted on: 2.11.21 0935.13 | Finally got caught up this weekend. I love new Rick. He is the Windows 7 to season 1-4's Windows 2000. I was not a fan of Gareth and him getting capped early this season was a relief. The Governor should be a unique villain to them and they don't need a big bad every year like other shows fall into.
Michone getting the sword back was a squee moment. Not sure who is coming out of the forest. Clever way of inserting Bob into Dale's role from the comics where he loses his leg to the cannibals. The tainted meat line was the cherry on top. So far, this season has been excellent and I like the idea of we are not sure what comes next. Having the Governor and Terminus out there seem to drive the action in a predictable way. Now, it should be would open. | dWs
Pickled pork Level: 31
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| #15 Posted on 3.11.14 0929.31 Reposted on: 3.11.21 0929.39 | Only reason I can think of for Glenn and Maggie leaving was that they're hoping for an end to the Walkerocalypse world. They could be thinking about "trying to start a family" and/or Maggie's pregnant. Thus, the "it's not your choice to make" line. | ALL ORIGINAL POSTS IN THIS THREAD ARE NOW AVAILABLE |
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