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The 7 - Baseball - Gardenhire got GardenFired Register and log in to post!
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#1 Posted on 29.9.14 1803.44
Reposted on: 29.9.21 1805.30

I haven't kept up with baseball that much in the past two years, but this guy seemed like a very well liked, very smart manager. I'm sure he'll catch on someplace.
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JimBob Skeeter
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#2 Posted on 30.9.14 0738.07
Reposted on: 30.9.21 0738.09
I have been a Twins fan since the Tom Kelly era. Gardy has been a beloved manager up until a year and a half ago. People in MN were fed up with the same-'ol, same-'ol answers at EVERY press conference, "Wll, we just need some more hits out there", "Coulda made a couple more plays", blahblahblah.
People in MN were especially sick of Rick Anderson, the pitching coach, and Gardy's best bud/roomie since college days. They were always a package deal. We all knew it. The Twins pitching staff for year kicked out quality pitchers from the farm system.
The past five or (more) so years, they would bring guys up and make them pitch to how Anderson wanted them. When they went to shit, they'd get released, go somewhere else that let them pitch the way they like to, and lo and behold, they would win! How did this happen? Whaaaaaaattttttttt?????? Let guys pitch tot heir strengths? I've never heard of such a thing!
Gardenhire and Anderson will be missed, just cuz they've been a fixture for such a long time. One thing I'm really going to miss is Gardy's ejections. GOD, they were fun to watch. Heard on the news last night, that in his 12 year tenure, he was ejected 75 times, compared to TK's five ejections in 16 years.
Btw, Gardy has pretty much been guaranteed a job within the Twins system, probably "Good Luck Ambassador" that TK has. kelly was actually on a lot of the Twin's tv broadcasts the past couple of years when Bert Blyleven (speking of guys who have to go), was off, and with the exception of his monotone voice, was actually fun to listen to with his knowledge and fun stories of the guys behind the scenes.
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