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6.12.17 0710
The 7 - Pro Wrestling - Sean O'Haire Passes Away
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Lap cheong
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#1 Posted on 9.9.14 2147.20
Reposted on: 9.9.21 2148.24

    Originally posted by Wrestling Observer
    Former WCW, WWF, K-1 and Pride fighter Sean O'Haire is reported to have passed away yesterday at his home in Spartanburg, SC by Floyd's North Chruch Street Chapel in the city and in the city.

    Real name Sean Christopher Haire, the former wrestler was 43, and has a celebration of life scheduled on Saturday at his home.

I was hoping we'd gotten away from young wrestling deaths for a while. He was one of those guys with loads of potential that really got lost in the shuffle in post-Invasion WWF. I thought they really had something with his devil's advocate character, but it never really translated well outside of pre-taped vignettes.
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Big Brother
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#2 Posted on 9.9.14 2151.57
Reposted on: 9.9.21 2152.07

Ugh! I'M 43. Somebody have my thread ready in January
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#3 Posted on 9.9.14 2224.58
Reposted on: 9.9.21 2224.59
Sean O'Haire was one of the high points of 2003, to be sure. There was something about him that seemed to capture the imagination of all of the fans. His gimmick, look, and music were all perfect.
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#4 Posted on 9.9.14 2345.32
Reposted on: 9.9.21 2345.38

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#5 Posted on 9.9.14 2351.17
Reposted on: 9.9.21 2354.21
    Originally posted by Dionysus
    Sean O'Haire was one of the high points of 2003, to be sure. There was something about him that seemed to capture the imagination of all of the fans. His gimmick, look, and music were all perfect.

He's maybe the biggest case I can think of wherein someone had absolutely everything except the ability to actually execute in the moment. He was good as a support player, but when left alone in the spotlight he just couldn't make it work.

43 is way, way too young. Christ.
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#6 Posted on 10.9.14 0052.34
Reposted on: 10.9.21 0056.10
    Originally posted by CarlCX
    He's maybe the biggest case I can think of wherein someone had absolutely everything except the ability to actually execute in the moment. He was good as a support player, but when left alone in the spotlight he just couldn't make it work.

    43 is way, way too young. Christ.

I disagree. He was one of the few bright spots in the last days of WCW, and I think if he hadn't been paired with Mark Jindrak, he'd have been a solid star in the making. He had a great look and a decent voice.

WWE never really gave him a chance either. All those promos posted here went nowhere. He could have been a monster heel thanks to those, but again, he wasn't given the chance to do anything with it.

I'm not seeing the cause of death anywhere, have they released that information yet? Also, I'm pushing 43 next year and this is troubling, good thing I'm not a wrestler or in beefcake shape.
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#7 Posted on 10.9.14 0108.55
Reposted on: 10.9.21 0115.23
This is very sad. I think O'Haire was one of those truly untapped geniuses who just came through at the wrong time, and didn't get enough focus. He was a big man who could move well. I think even the WWE didn't do a great job with him, those vignettes that didn't go anywhere... probably weren't going where he needed to be.

Still, thanks for the enjoyment of following your career.
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#8 Posted on 10.9.14 0517.54
Reposted on: 10.9.21 0524.49
Oh man, watching those promo vids practically made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. They were scary good.

That character was never really given a chance to take off.
Matt Tracker
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#9 Posted on 10.9.14 0634.48
Reposted on: 10.9.21 0643.07
He was in Spartanburg? That's my hometown. I had no idea.
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#10 Posted on 10.9.14 1526.34
Reposted on: 10.9.21 1527.12

TMZ is now reporting that he hung himself.

very sad indeed.
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#11 Posted on 11.9.14 0019.12
Reposted on: 11.9.21 0019.12

>Once in the WWE, he was Rowdy Roddy Piper's protege, but when Piper left in 2003 ... O'Haire fizzled out and eventually left the WWE in 2004. He eventually transitioned into kickboxing and MMA before becoming a hair stylist.<
Guru Zim
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#12 Posted on 11.9.14 0045.50
Reposted on: 11.9.21 0045.50
This is really sad for me. O'haire, Jindrak, and Stasiak were favorites of mine at the end of WCW.
Lap cheong
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#13 Posted on 12.9.14 1037.05
Reposted on: 12.9.21 1038.09
TMZ is now reporting that O'Haire went through WWE-sponsored rehab for alcohol abuse six times in the past six years -- including once this year.
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