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The 7 - Movies & TV - 24: 9x1, 9x2 "11:00 AM - 12:00 PM"; "12:00 PM - 1:00PM"
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#1 Posted on 5.5.14 2109.40
Reposted on: 5.5.21 2110.02
It's back it's back it's back it's back it's back where's the thread icon it's back it's back!

This was a thing I enjoyed right down to the person who obviously not what she seemed from the moment she stepped on screen and non-shockingly betrayed someone to end the first block of episodes. It's so 24 I know and love. Right down to the questionable White House plot line! By no means are they breaking any new ground, they even make a story point about how quickly Chloe (who's been though a lot of trouble, and I'm not just talking about the eyeliner) slips right back in to her old role. They're not reinventing TV, but this is exactly what I wanted for summer short run programming.

I'm not convinced Kate isn't somehow working for the Chinese after all. The rules of this show stipulate that one of Kate, Erik, tech guy Jordan and Navarro has to be a mole, and my betting line goes in that order.

where were all these youth underground hacker communities when I was young? I feel like I missed out on something.
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Big Brother
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#2 Posted on 6.5.14 0137.28
Reposted on: 6.5.21 0138.36
They weren't on Delphi!

I also enjoyed this show and had no regrets about time-shifting RAW.

Jack's a badass! I think we didn't hear him talk for, like, the first 45 minutes.

"But he's RIGHT THERE!" I mean, I know it would have been a short series if they had actually detained the dude with the magic drone controller, but MAN.

I wonder if Lt. Patsy has a role in future episodes.

With the long break between series, I was hoping we'd have finally caught up to the 24 timeline, but we're still four years behind Season 8 and it's been...maybe another four years? (...making Jack the character, like, 52?) Still, always nice of the show to bring in the timely topics like drones and Anonymous. I have high expectations that a compressed season will continue to bring the crazy!
The Guinness.
Potato korv
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#3 Posted on 6.5.14 0151.41
Reposted on: 6.5.21 0153.22
That was great. All is right in the world once again. Well, at least it will be now that Jack Bauer is on a mission.
Boudin rouge
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#4 Posted on 6.5.14 1153.35
Reposted on: 6.5.21 1159.01
OMG, Caitlyn Stark brought her own Sansa to 24! lol Yvonne Stahovski pulled a Rick Rude and was on both 24 and Louie on the same Monday night. It was getting annoying when everyone kept shutting her down with "well your husband betrayed the US and you didn't catch that, did you???" and it kind of sounds fishy that she is so smart in tracking Jack but didn't see her husband's thing. When Jack takes on 3 armed bad guys and tells them that they are at a disadvantage, you better believe it. Took nearly 2 hours for Jack to say "Dammit!" I'm hoping he chokes someone out and tell them "don't fight it" this season.
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#5 Posted on 6.5.14 1549.46
Reposted on: 6.5.21 1552.01
    Originally posted by CRZ
    With the long break between series, I was hoping we'd have finally caught up to the 24 timeline, but we're still four years behind Season 8 and it's been...maybe another four years? (...making Jack the character, like, 52?) Still, always nice of the show to bring in the timely topics like drones and Anonymous. I have high expectations that a compressed season will continue to bring the crazy!

I heard a radio interview with Manny Coto and Evan Katz yesterday and they said the show takes place in "the perpetual now." They told a story about the beginning of Season 6 in 2007 and how the production designers presented them with all these futuristic designs. When they asked why, the designers said, "We did the math. It's 2016!"

I realized while watching that I had seen all but the last two hours of Season 8. I didn't feel lost, though. Everything felt VERY familiar, but that's a good thing!

I was disappointed to learn Chuck Bartowski turned out to be a traitor, forcing Sarah Walker to change her name to Kate Morgan.
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#6 Posted on 7.5.14 0104.11
Reposted on: 7.5.21 0105.42
I love how the people in the white house are talking about how there's "already chatter" that they've been covering up the drone strike....that happened 30 minutes ago...
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