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| #1 Posted on 16.4.14 1538.44 Reposted on: 16.4.21 1540.44 | Promote this thread! |  | JimBob Skeeter
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| #2 Posted on 17.4.14 1021.07 Reposted on: 17.4.21 1021.42 | This comes out the day before my birthday. Guess what I'm asking for my birthday. | Spiraling_Shape
Andouille Level: 93
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| #3 Posted on 17.4.14 1037.26 Reposted on: 17.4.21 1037.48 | Originally posted by JimBob Skeeter This comes out the day before my birthday. Guess what I'm asking for my birthday.
A Sentinel? | oudom
Boudin rouge Level: 48
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| #4 Posted on 17.4.14 1224.46 Reposted on: 17.4.21 1227.08 | A clip of DOFP is shown after the end credits of Amazing Spider-Man 2. But no, Sony and Fox isn't doing a huge crossover. Some kind of compensation Sony gave Fox for getting Marc Webb to direct ASM2 instead of making a movie for Fox. I'm sure this is going to confuse the hell out of casual fans. | JimBob Skeeter
Bierwurst Level: 91
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| #5 Posted on 17.4.14 1251.52 Reposted on: 17.4.21 1253.17 | Originally posted by Spiraling_Shape
Originally posted by JimBob Skeeter This comes out the day before my birthday. Guess what I'm asking for my birthday.
A Sentinel?
Bingo. | dwaters
Bierwurst Level: 90
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| #6 Posted on 17.4.14 1501.58 Reposted on: 17.4.21 1502.18 | Why is it that I get completely pumped for Avengers and all their movies and X-Men just doesn't do anything for me?
Is it like Star Wars/Star Trek or can you like both? | dMp
Knackwurst Level: 112
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| #7 Posted on 18.4.14 0055.44 Reposted on: 18.4.21 0056.13 | The trailers make it look really good, so I don't care if it's Sony, Fox or Marvel itself. I rather have other franchises succeed too, as this helps Marvel itself. I like the (back)story we're given here.
And the stinger at the end of Spidey for DOFP isn't going to confuse toomany people. Most of 'em don't even care what studio is releasing which movie. They just want their movies. I'm sure they'll add a "also watch" disclaimer or something.
| Quezzy
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| #8 Posted on 18.4.14 1850.03 Reposted on: 18.4.21 1850.25 | Originally posted by dwaters Why is it that I get completely pumped for Avengers and all their movies and X-Men just doesn't do anything for me?
Is it like Star Wars/Star Trek or can you like both?
Star Wars vs. Star Trek is probably more like Marvel vs. DC than Avengers vs. X-Men although plenty of people like Marvel and DC. The bigger appeal to Avengers for some could be that it's a group that includes 4 huge characters that have already had movies. For X-Men they just roll out Wolverine, who hasn't had a good solo movie yet. (And the best X-Men movie was the one that didn't have Wolverine) | ALL ORIGINAL POSTS IN THIS THREAD ARE NOW AVAILABLE |
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