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The 7 - Movies & TV - The Muppets Most Wanted Review with Spoilers
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#1 Posted on 22.3.14 2029.01
Reposted on: 22.3.21 2029.01
It starts with a song about sequels and how they are now once again a viable franchise and how sequels suck. It also included a Seventh Seal reference. So, from that point on you knew it was not going to be the heart string puller, the last one was.

Kermit's evil twin escapes from a Russian Gulag in a rather spectacular fashion including using the line, "Its time to light the lights." That leads to an explosion of part of the Gulag. Ricky Garvis plays Dominic BadGuy, yep, his last name is Bad Guy. Dominic convinces the Muppets to go on a World Tour while him and the evil Kermit to steal items to get England's Crown Jewels. Kermit is arrested sent to the Gulag while evil Kermit lets the Muppets do whatever they want which leads to one disastrous show after another to paid off crowds. Kermit eventually helps Tina Fey turn the Gulag into a pretty good all male show review.

Animal of all people figures out its not Kermit, but its only when Walter realizes something is wrong that they go after Kermit. Evil Kermit agrees to marry Miss Piggy at the Tower of London. While the crimes are being committed Sam Eagle, now CIA Agent is joined by the one guy from Modern Family who has a bad French accent to find what is going on. The duo would be great if the guy from Modern Family was funny.

It all ends with evil Kermit about to marry Piggy and Walter, Fozzy, Animal and Kermit stop the wedding. The Muppets do the dangerous Muppet ladder trick to stop evil Kermit from escaping with Piggy in an helicopter. All ends well as the Muppets perform at the Gulag.

Its not terrible and its certainly not the dark movie that some sites are saying. It does poke fun at the last movie including Rizzo and Robin admitting they were pushed aside for Walter. There are some nice other movie references along with their own. While the last movie was a inspired by the Muppet Show and the first Muppet movie, this one is inspired by the Great Muppet Caper and Muppet takes Manhattan. I thought it was pretty good at least better than Muppets in Space and Muppet Treasure Island. Way better than Manhattan which was the worst.

(edited by lotjx on 22.3.14 2030)

(edited by lotjx on 22.3.14 2031)
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#2 Posted on 23.3.14 0243.35
Reposted on: 23.3.21 0243.45
Saw this today with my wife. We ~LOVED~ it.

I like Lotjx's review, but he and I will debate which was the worst: I will easily suggest MUPPETS IN SPACE was the worst Muppets movie ever, save for the Hogan cameo. The best one was Muppets Take Manhattan. But lets agree to disagree, shall we?

Come to think of it, I'd love that debate. In fact, I'd even be curious to know of Hornswoggle's opinion, too. Anyhow, I digress...

There were some fantastic moments in this. The music was top notch: probably the best song was the Interrogation Song, or Constantine singing I'll Get You What You Want. Wifey loved the Miss Piggy/Celine Dion duet, which would have been better if it didn't include Celine Dion.

There were a great number of cameos in this movie, probably the best being Danny "Machete" Trejo, who can sing! That was probably the coolest part. Other cameos include Chloe Moritz from Kickass, Josh Grobin, Usher (playing an usher, har!), Diddy, Frank Langella, and Lady Gaga (who appears for one second tops).

Hornswoggle appeared, too - he even had a line or two. Zach Galifianakis has a return cameo as Hobo Joe. Take that for what it's worth.

I can't really complain about anything in this movie. There wasn't enough Statler and Waldorf, and some of the jokes may be a little obscure for those who aren't Muppet fans, but it was so much fun, the music really worked, and we left the movie happy.

Highly, highly recommended.
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#3 Posted on 23.3.14 0808.00
Reposted on: 23.3.21 0809.56
I don't how anyone could put any Muppet movie over the original, but whatever. I would go Muppet Movie, Great Muppet Caper, The Muppets, Christmas Carol, Muppets Most Wanted, Muppets in Space, Treasure Island and Manhattan.

Yes, I know Muppet Babies should put it Manhattan higher, but I hate amnesia stories and I still to this day don't understand why you shut down the TV Show for Broadway. That is at a giant step down for them. Muppets in Space has a great opening number, Gonzo and Rizzo are the central figures plus Gonzo and Kermit saying goodbye hits a pretty hard emotional note at least for me.

I do agree Celine killed what was a great song in this film. I am just glad they acknowledge that the last film's ending was a bit off. I do wish they would have gone for Walter and Statler giving them the dollar instead of the convoluted ending credits sequence. Honestly, this movie was a lot of fun. My main concern is it being two hours long some kids were getting antsy. So, if your kids can handle take them. I do wish they would have found a way to use the Tardis to get back from Russia to England in record time.
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#4 Posted on 23.3.14 1930.14
Reposted on: 23.3.21 1931.02
Wow, and I loved Muppets Treasure Island. I'm a real sucker for a love story, so I guess that's why Manhattan and Treasure Island really do it for me. Even if the love story involves a pig and a frog.

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#5 Posted on 24.3.14 1252.46
Reposted on: 24.3.21 1254.26
No. No, no, no!

It goes Muppet Movie, Muppet Christmas Carol, Great Muppet Caper, The Muppets, THEN everything else in whatever order with Muppets in Space being last.

Also, I want to add that I LOVED Muppet Babies!
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