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The 7 - Pro Wrestling - @midnight is Jericho
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Summer sausage
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#1 Posted on 4.3.14 0057.48
Reposted on: 4.3.21 0059.02
For anyone who's interested, Y2J was on @midnight and added the title of "Funniest Person in the World for 23 1/2 Hours" to his long list of accomplishments. There was a ton of wrestling jokes, memes and other asshattery. The episode should be up tomorrow at​shows/​-​midnight if you missed it.

NOTE: Wasn't sure if this should go under TV or Wrestling, but there was a lot of wrestling jokes and Y2J was clearly the star ... I can move the thread if needed.

(edited by Blind_Guardian on 4.3.14 0100)
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It's False
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#2 Posted on 4.3.14 0101.25
Reposted on: 4.3.21 0104.01
As much as I hate to infuse CM Punk in yet another thread, there was supposed to be a WWE-themed edition of @midnight back in February with Punk, Miz, and a player to be named later (speculation was Mick Foley). But...well...stuff happened.
Summer sausage
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#3 Posted on 4.3.14 0106.13
Reposted on: 4.3.21 0109.32
That would have been pretty awesome, especially if they had Foley. Jericho was pretty funny anyway, though I personally thought he should've lost "FTW" ...
Lap cheong
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#4 Posted on 4.3.14 0759.19
Reposted on: 4.3.21 0759.21
    Originally posted by It's False
    As much as I hate to infuse CM Punk in yet another thread, there was supposed to be a WWE-themed edition of @midnight back in February with Punk, Miz, and a player to be named later (speculation was Mick Foley). But...well...stuff happened.

I believe they wanted a "real" comedian to bounce off the two wrestlers, so Ron Funches (a well-known rasslin fan) was scheduled to be the third contestant on that episode.
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