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Boudin rouge
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#1 Posted on 11.10.13 1509.02
Reposted on: 11.10.20 1510.06
No one watched this? Most watched episode of the series.

Based on the commercials that aired during The Bridge I knew going in it's not going to be all Witchy but will be more like Twilight (not in a love triangle way, but twist on the vampires) in that each Witch has a special power like mutants in X-men. We have Taissa Farmiga (Violet from Season 1) who was fooling around with her boyfriend and he ended up bleeding to death like Rogue in X-Men would hurt her boyfriend unintentionally. Precious who is a human voodoo doll... stabbing herself doesn't hurt her but hurts someone she is targeting. Emma Roberts as a bitchy movie star sent to Professor Xavier's school for gifted girls because she has telekinetic powers to unscrew a spot light to drop on an asshole director's head. Lots of hate for her on facebook because I guess she beat up her boyfriend in real life, who also stars on the show (Tate from Season 1, also going to be play Quicksilver in X-men: Days of the Future Past). The girl with Down Syndrome from Season 1 can read minds. Jessica Lange plays the Supreme who's powers includes the Jedi Mind Trick or glamoring like in True Blood. Meanwhile, there's another story that flashbacks to the 1830's where Kathy Bates is torturing slaves.

Two things that bothered me:
1) Gang raping. Ugh. It was a bit uneasy last season when Sylar was raping the reporter. This season we have a gang of Frat boys raping Emma Roberts.

2) Taissa Farmiga's stupid ass power. At first I was kind of confused with what activates it, as she was chasing after the frat boy rapists, I thought she could make them all bleed to death on the bus. Noooooooo. Her powers requires her to have sexual intercourse. So the main rapist guy was hospitalized after Emma Roberts flipped their bus over. She has to get him hard (while he is still unconscious) and have sex with the rapist in order to kill him. What the hell? It's like the writers took Rogue's gimmick of kissing a bad guy to take their power, and how sometimes the bad guy is repulsive, and took it to a whole new cable TV sick level.
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#2 Posted on 11.10.13 1617.31
Reposted on: 11.10.20 1618.30
Loved the first season, hated the second season, and found myself bored throughout the season premiere. I hate to say it, but I think I'm officially jumping off of the American Horror Story train.

The lead girl who can kill boys simply by having sex with them is a terrible actress, so I really don't want to spend another twelve episodes watching her "emote."

The main reason to watch this show is Jessica Lange, and even she couldn't salvage this. It's the same brand of crazy we've seen from her countless times, so there wasn't really anything interesting about it.

I was surprised to see them kill of Evan Peters' character so fast. I'm sure he'll come back in a dream sequence, or strange zombie storyline, but I definitely didn't see that one coming.

At this point, I only have room in my viewing schedule for one semi-decent Ryan Murphy show. Since AHS has never delivered an episode on par with "The Quarterback", guess that means I'm bailing. Rubber Man was fun while it lasted...
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#3 Posted on 12.10.13 0003.05
Reposted on: 12.10.20 0004.06
I liked it. I also liked Season 2 for what its worth.

I was expecting that the 1830's flashbacks would be a running theme until the plots converged mid-season (kinda like how we had the modern Bloody Face in the asylum contrasting with the 1960's events last year.) I was surprised to see that all pay off by the end of the episode.

Its odd that Tate was so terrible for Violet, yet here were Peters and Farmiga, and all we could do was root for the two of them to be together, as though it was fated. Count me among the surprised that they offed him, but we'll have to see how that goes.

I was also surprised that Lily Rabe's part was so seemingly small. We'll have to see if she comes back into play at all.

As for the raping, it was supposed to be uncomfortable. I think that one of the best parts of this series has been that despite the supernatural aspects at play, the true horror has come from people and the situations they wind up in... a house that you're stuck in because of a poor financial situation, the struggles of marriage and fidelity, taking responsibility for your child. That's the true horror here. It will be interesting to see where this season goes.

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