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#1 Posted on 10.5.13 0102.21
Reposted on: 10.5.20 0103.00
What a terrible note to end the season on.

Brittany getting into MIT is up there with the most groan inducing "comedic relief" that Glee has ever attempted. I understand that the actress is pregnant in real life, and they obviously have to write her out of the show somehow, but couldn't they have come up with something better than this?

The Catfish plot was one of the few interesting things the show had going for it in these last few episodes, but they completely failed to stick the landing. It was pretty obvious that it was Unique, but couldn't they have delivered the explanation in a way that wasn't groan-worthy. The actor playing Ryder sold the hell out of the material, but even he wasn't able to make this story work.

The wedding between Will and Emma was some nice payoff for longtime fans, but it really should have been handled better. Glee has always pushed the boundaries of inappropriate teacher/student relationships, but getting married in a choir room full of High School students has to be one of the more bizarre choices they've made. If this was the endgame all along, why did they even do the whole runaway bride thing back in February? It would have made a much better moment than this awkwardly tacked on epilogue in the season finale.

Rachel's audition was solid, but it would have been nice if she had been brought up again at any point in the episode. This isn't even a cliffhanger so much as it is a dropped story.

I actually liked Blaine's marriage proposal story tonight, which is surprising because I went in expecting to hate it. Having him and Kurt sit down and have dinner with the two lesbians was actually rather sweet, even if it did serve to further shove a social agenda down our throats.

Of course New Directions won, but did it have to be so damn boring? Seriously, where was the flash and choreography of past Regional tournaments?

This is the first time that the writers have ever split a school year into two seasons. I am both horrified and intrigued to see how this plays out.

As for the season as a whole, I find myself conflicted. It's easily better than season three, almost up to season two quality, but nowhere near the brilliance of the first season.

The new characters were successful, even if they really didn't do much in the end. I feel like this season fizzled out around the point that Finn went to college. There was WAY too much going on this season, and a lot of it failed to connect in any meaningful way - it's just been a huge circle-jerk. Nothing built to any meaningful conclusion, and events just kind of happened.

The writers have at least 44 episodes left, and I remain confident that Glee can become great once again. This season was a step in the right direction, let's hope they can continue to improve.
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#2 Posted on 10.5.13 0700.19
Reposted on: 10.5.20 0701.32
I loved Ryder's reaction to all this I didn't agree with his winning the glee project but he shined tonight proving that they can just have new characters and not have them act like the old ones.

While Brittany leaving made sense it was handled very poorly and the payoff with her dumping Sam felt like it came out of nowhere.

While it was no surprise that the glee club is the John Cena of it's universe I am not seeing alot of hope for season 5 as this show has no idea what it is if they don't have anything to get ready for.

So the plots we have set up for next season are
Blane asking Kurt to marry him
Did Rachel get the part in a musical
The aftermath of Ryder, and Brittany leaving the club
and the graduation of Blane, Artie, Joe, Sugar, Tina, and Sam
Leaving us with a mainly new cast for the final season
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#3 Posted on 10.5.13 1512.16
Reposted on: 10.5.20 1513.08
    Originally posted by yamcharulez
    While it was no surprise that the glee club is the John Cena of it's universe I am not seeing alot of hope for season 5 as this show has no idea what it is if they don't have anything to get ready for.

    So the plots we have set up for next season are
    Blane asking Kurt to marry him
    Did Rachel get the part in a musical
    The aftermath of Ryder, and Brittany leaving the club
    and the graduation of Blane, Artie, Joe, Sugar, Tina, and Sam
    Leaving us with a mainly new cast for the final season

They still have to get through Nationals next year, and I'm pretty sure that Joe and Sugar aren't Seniors. Still, there comes a certain point where they're either going to have to dump the McKinley side of the show, or do a time-jump a few years into the future. That's the only way they can continue the show without having a cast of over thirty characters.
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#4 Posted on 12.5.13 0739.25
Reposted on: 12.5.20 0744.03
Its entirely possible that next season will start fresh: new school year will start with them saying "so we lost Nationals, lets get our minds back into the game" or whatever.

The Catfish plot had me rolling my eyes and not in a good way.

Hey, Sue's back. Wait...why is Sue back? Did I miss something?

Ryder leaving the club doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. If he leaves, can he take Unique with him? Heck, take "New Rachel" too.

I've never in my lifetime ever seen a show so lopsided before. How is it possible to have so many actors im one show, and yet use them so infrequently? One day we'll have three or four Rachel or Kurt songs (a great use of my FFWD button on the PVR remote, especially Kurt) but then, we won't see anything of them. Finn...where is he? Puck...where is he? Give them something to do in the final episodes or just let them go. Heck, Mike and Mercedes showed up for one second cameos to let us know they're still alive.

Britney going DIVA has been done before, in fact, this year, with Rachel, and a couple of years back with Mercedes.

To sum up the season (I'm sure Turtle would agree): They just weren't trying hard enough. THey really should have killed off the series at the end of last year.

(edited by Oliver on 12.5.13 0639)
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#5 Posted on 12.5.13 1938.57
Reposted on: 12.5.20 1940.22
    Originally posted by Oliver

    The Catfish plot had me rolling my eyes and not in a good way.

I don't know that I've ever heard of someone rolling their eyes at something good

As for Glee, my girlfriend dropped out about half-way through this season, and I just don't think I can follow the show again next season. Very rarely do I stop watching a show once I begin, but it's becoming more of a chore to catch Glee than anything else. Some of the songs/mash-ups I'll miss, but there just aren't any characters that are interesting to me anymore.
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