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Since: 9.12.01 From: ミネアポリス
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| #1 Posted on 30.9.12 2058.16 Reposted on: 30.9.19 2058.55 | And I completely lost interest and barely paid attention to this episode. I think this must be why I only try to do this the first Sunday of the year. Here... you say something.
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Scrapple Level: 152
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| #2 Posted on 1.10.12 0003.39 Reposted on: 1.10.19 0003.39 | I can't remember the last time a season of AD started with this much of a thud. This is the kind of gross-out humor that normally turns me off of FG. Even the subplot with Stan and the SUV didn't do it for me, because of its ending. It's a thumbs down.
Francine: Stan, Hayley's been shot! Stan: So what? She shot me before, I've shot you a couple of times, everybody shoots everybody. It's how we communicate in this family. | Tenken347
Knackwurst Level: 115
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Since: 27.2.03 From: Parts Unknown
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| #3 Posted on 1.10.12 0628.40 Reposted on: 1.10.19 0628.40 | Not a favorite episode by any stretch, but I thought it was alright. The A and B plots were both kind of "eh," and variations on stuff they've done before, at that. But I thought there were a number of good jokes, like Stan talking about the family shooting each other, or Klaus's "American Businessman." | ALL ORIGINAL POSTS IN THIS THREAD ARE NOW AVAILABLE |
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