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The 7 - Baseball - Ozzie Guillen Out as White Sox Manager, Likely in As Marlins Manager
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#1 Posted on 27.9.11 1216.27
Reposted on: 27.9.18 1222.33
On Monday night Ozzie Guillen was "released from his contract" as the manager of the White Sox.

However, a post on his blog that was pulled may have confirmed his next job a little too quickly.,0,2121034.story

Apparently Ozzie will be named manager of the Marlins, with the White Sox getting a couple minor leaguers in return for letting him out of his deal.
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Big Bad
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#2 Posted on 27.9.11 1258.30
Reposted on: 27.9.18 1258.39
Worst-kept secret in pro sports. I cannot WAIT to see the comedy that ensues from Ozzie trying to co-exist with Jeffrey Loria.
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#3 Posted on 27.9.11 1333.16
Reposted on: 27.9.18 1337.23
Naturally, a Guillen-for-Logan Morrison swap would have been far too logical to actually happen. Maybe the Marlins realized he's a useful player and aren't going to dick him around?
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#4 Posted on 28.9.11 2125.58
Reposted on: 28.9.18 2126.56
    Originally posted by Big Bad
    Worst-kept secret in pro sports. I cannot WAIT to see the comedy that ensues from Ozzie trying to co-exist with Jeffrey Loria.

That's what I don't get. Ozzie is as outspoken as anyone, and that's not the kind of manager Loria/the Marlins generally look for. Then again, if you're in with Loria, you're in; after all, Jack McKeon is more like Ozzie than the yes-men the Marlins have preferred, and Loria loves him..

I think this is the first piece in a busy offseason puzzle for the Marlins. For the first time in several years, I think I'm going to enjoy being a Marlins fan this Winter.

(edited by geemoney on 28.9.11 2226)
It's False
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#5 Posted on 28.9.11 2246.27
Reposted on: 28.9.18 2249.17
Ozzie Guillen can take solace in knowing that he, at the very least, got the last laugh over Jay Mariotti.

Whether he leaves on bad terms or not, Ozzie will forever be a legend for bringing a World Series championship to Chicago.
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