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8.2.18 1952
The 7 - Movies & TV - The Charlie Sheen Celebrity Roast
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JimBob Skeeter
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#1 Posted on 20.9.11 0856.49
Reposted on: 20.9.18 0859.01
I caught about a third of this last night switching back and forth from Raw, but who woulda thunk Mike Fucking Tyson could pull it off like he did?
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#2 Posted on 20.9.11 1108.55
Reposted on: 20.9.18 1117.00
Mike Tyson? What about Shatner and Kate Walsh? Those two surprised me. Steve-O wasn't that good though and neither was Casper Van Dien. Everyone else was funny as shit though.

John Orquiola
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#3 Posted on 20.9.11 1250.24
Reposted on: 20.9.18 1250.32
I love these Roasts so much. I think #SheenRoast was a notch below Hasselhoff, which is my favorite of these Roasts, and about on par with #TrumpRoast. I thought Jeff Ross killed it. He had to carry the load of the Roast All-Stars in the absence of veterans Gilbert Gottfried, Lisa Lampanelli, Whitney Cummings, and of course, the late Greg Giraldo. This was more about non-professional Roasters and how well they'd do as opposed to the stand up pros who really know how to tear you a new one. I actually know who Amy Schumer is! I saw her do stand up in NYC last March. And she was great. Tyson was great. Shatner was unbelievable. I've never seen a second of any of Kate Walsh's shows but she's very attractive and a good sport. They got in some great digs on Seth MacFarlane too. I think Charlie Sheen is too easy a target at this point and you can only tell so many jokes about drugs, prostitutes and how he can still be alive, but it was a fun roast, as always.
It's False
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#4 Posted on 20.9.11 1610.30
Reposted on: 20.9.18 1614.23
Great stuff here. Jeff Ross is the absolute highlight of these shows now.

"If you're WINNING, then there's something wrong with the fucking scoreboard!"

Everyone else was pretty good. The novelty of Mike Tyson and William Shatner largely outweighed the absence of perennial roasters Lisa Lampanelli, Whitney Cummings, and Gilbert Gottfried.

Oh, and I always have been and always will be a sucker for Jon Lovitz.

"Here's a joke: How much coke can Charlie Sheen do? Enough to kill two and a half men!"

(edited by It's False on 20.9.11 1648)
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#5 Posted on 20.9.11 2238.50
Reposted on: 20.9.18 2239.07
Schumer was the best. Absolutely brutal.

Ross's Khadafi outfit was so stupid I skipped his whole bit. Don't try so hard dude, you're not Carrot Top.
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#6 Posted on 20.9.11 2244.03
Reposted on: 20.9.18 2250.35
    Originally posted by Scottyflamingo

    Ross's Khadafi outfit was so stupid I skipped his whole bit. Don't try so hard dude, you're not Carrot Top.

He did get in a good zinger at Sheen based on the outfit, though.

EDIT: Nevermind, it was someone zinging Ross on the outfit.

(edited by geemoney on 20.9.11 2352)
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#7 Posted on 21.9.11 1936.49
Reposted on: 21.9.18 1938.23
Lampanelli wasn't there? She's ALWAYS at these roasts.
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#8 Posted on 21.9.11 1947.00
Reposted on: 21.9.18 1947.02
    Originally posted by Oliver
    Lampanelli wasn't there? She's ALWAYS at these roasts.

Apparently she had a prior commitment, but made it home to Tweet during the show. Knowing her, I'm sure many of those jokes were funnier than ones that aired.
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