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The 7 - Basketball - Let the controversy begin in Philadelphia...
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#1 Posted on 8.5.02 1308.39
Reposted on: 8.5.09 1308.47
Ever since the 76ers' season was ended by a blowout loss to the Boston Celtics in Game 5 of their first-round series, there have been reports that either Allen Iverson or coach Larry Brown are on their way out.

If you'll remember, the 76ers got all the way to the NBA Finals last year. But they had a slow start this year, and injuries played a big hand in that. Yet, even when they had everyone healthy, they weren't able to get past Boston in the first round of the playoffs.

At a hastily called press conference yesterday, Iverson had this to say. “I'm not going nowhere and Larry Brown isn't going nowhere.”

I, for one, am compelled to agree. Iverson isn't going nowhere-- he's going somewhere else. It's been no big secret that he's had issues with Larry Brown throughout their tenure together in Philadelphia. If Iverson stays, then Larry Brown is the one who “isn't going nowhere”-- he'll be gone. I know Larry Brown's tendencies-- as soon as he feels his team's on the downturn, he'll pack up and leave. He used to coach my Pacers, so I know this from experience.

But anyway... damn... Iverson did go to college, right? English is a prerequisite for college entrance, isn't it?
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Lap cheong
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#2 Posted on 10.5.02 1056.42
Reposted on: 10.5.09 1059.08
English is a prerequisite...........unless you're really good at basketball.
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